Author Topic: Arizona Trail Maps  (Read 7996 times)

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Offline kidflash

Arizona Trail Maps
« on: December 02, 2005, 02:05:31 am »
I'm planning to ride the southern part of the AZT in
Feb '05,so far the only map source I've found is
BLM--too $$$ !!!Maybe ACA can make a set for us?

Offline Dan

Arizona Trail Maps
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2005, 03:06:40 pm »
Have you looked at the book by Andrea Lankford
titled biking the AZ trail?  

It's helpful but I'd like to see a set of adventure
cycling maps for the AZ trail too.

Offline ErikSchlimmer

Arizona Trail Maps
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2005, 05:12:18 pm »
Kidflash, I recently rode, for the second time, the 780-mile Arizona Trail (AZT) corridor, this time during a traverse of the new longest mountain bike route in the United States, the Western States Mountain Bike Route, which travels from Canada to Mexico. There are some pretty good options concerning maps and other print literature but the hard part is finding them... There is a lot of information on the AZT, but most of it is geared towards hikers.

Send an e-mail to me and I can describe the best options for maps and books, which will help you get from one end of the AZT corridor to the other. I can also trace my recent route on maps you send along.

I hope this helps you out. Any others interested in this offer can me drop a note as well. Thanks. With regards... Erik Schlimmer
