Author Topic: GDMBR starting in May?  (Read 7274 times)

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Offline mjlauterbach

GDMBR starting in May?
« on: December 04, 2005, 10:03:27 pm »
I've heard that it's possible to start the GDMBR in mid-May going south to north. Can anyone confirm that?

I'm planning on doing the trail this summer but have a job starting Aug. 1, which made me think doing the whole thing would be tight for time. A May start would be brilliant -- it seems pretty clear that it's a bad idea to start from the north anytime before mid-June.

Thanks in advance for any advice you might have. -Mike

Offline Dan

GDMBR starting in May?
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2005, 03:03:23 pm »
We rode the great divide south to north leaving on  
May 28th, 2003.  It depends on the weather and if
there were any late snowstorms but it wil be cooler
throughout NM.  We only encountered one pass
with some snow drifts that we were able to ride
over or ride partway across before dismounting
and pushing the bike another 10 feet.  I think you
will be fine leaving around May 15th.

Offline mjlauterbach

GDMBR starting in May?
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2005, 10:40:43 am »
Thanks Dan. Glad to hear it can be done. I'm surprised there isn't more stuff out there about doing the route this way...