Author Topic: Cycling in Lexington, KY  (Read 14174 times)

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Offline wabbaly

Cycling in Lexington, KY
« on: March 22, 2006, 09:45:28 pm »
Hey there,

We are moving from Australia to Lexington KY and are hoping to live car-free. Can anyone tell us what cycling facilities in Lexington are like, where we can find maps of bike routes and generally if the lay-out of the city is suitable for living car-free?


Offline Nate

Cycling in Lexington, KY
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2006, 12:31:34 am »
     Lexington, Ky., is not a good cycling city, although there are a
number of cyclists there.  The area around the University of
Kentucky is probably good for cycling as is the area around
Transylvania University.  The areas outside Ky. 4 (New Circle Road)
are suburban in character, and through cycling routes are hard to
work out.  Rural areas of the Kentucky bluegrass offer some
opportunities for good cycling, but again there are occasional
limiting factors such as heavily trafficed but narrow roads that one
must follow.  The weather in Kentucky is not conducive to
ordinary or daily riding year round.  Heavy rains and occasional
snows can make cycling dangerous.  Some motor vehicle drivers
in Kentucky think cyclists are enemies who impede automotive
      The Australians who are moving to Lexington should consider
purchasing a used automobile.

Offline ptaylor

Cycling in Lexington, KY
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2006, 07:58:09 pm »
I would have to echo some of Nate's comments. The US is simply an automobile driven society. Everything: schools, jobs, stores, medical facilities, government offices, your neighbor, your boss, everything, assumes you are arriving and departing by automobile.

There are some cities and states that seem to be changing that a bit, but I don't count Kentucky among them.


Offline Turk

Cycling in Lexington, KY
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2006, 12:46:37 pm »
I found this on the web at regarding Lexington, Ky bike routes:

A Bonanza of Back Roads for Two-Wheeled Tourists
     In Lexington and surrounding counties, there are over 1,000 miles of lightly traveled back roads excellent for bicycle touring. Along tree-shaded Bluegrass back roads youll pedal past beautiful farms, lovely streams, historic homes and sites and old rock fences.
     Good cycling routes are found in all directions; where you choose to ride will depend on whether you want to go 5 miles or 50, and upon your ability. The routes range from easy to strenuous. To get recommendations for the best bike routes, contact the Bluegrass Cycling Club at P.O. Box 1397, Lexington, KY,40588, or stop at an area bike shop: Dodds Cyclery, 1985 Harrodsburg Rd. (859) 277-6013; Pedal the Planet, 3450 Richmond Rd. (859) 264-1923; Pedal Power, 401 S. Upper St. (859) 255-6408; or Schellers, 212 Woodland Ave. (859) 233-1764.
     Many organized riding events are held in the area throughout the year. The Bluegrass Cycling Clubs Horsey Hundred, held every Memorial Day weekend, attracts about 1,000 bicyclists. Theres a Red River Rally in the Red River Gorge in early October. Shorter excursions are scheduled throughout the year. For information on special cycling events, consult the internet at .

Blue Note: The Kentucky section of the TransAmerica Bike Trail is more than 600 miles long, running from mountainous Pike County in the east of rural Crittenden County, across the Ohio River from Illinois. For a free state guide to bicycle tours call 800-225-TRIP.  

Offline ptaylor

Cycling in Lexington, KY
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2006, 09:00:51 pm »
Good research Turk.

It doesn't, however change my opinion on being free of a car.

I will add that The Bluegrass Cycling Club's Horsey Hundred is certainly a well known recreational event. I have had several friends travel from South Bend, Indiana to Lexington (over 300 miles - a full day's driving) to do the ride, and they have all had only good comments about it.


Offline Turk

Cycling in Lexington, KY
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2006, 01:13:14 pm »
Thank you, gramps. Your point is well taken. I've never bicycled in Lexington myself but it's probably not going to be the best.

Offline blamie

Cycling in Lexington, KY
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2006, 01:47:21 pm »
here's is the best place to go online for the city bike route maps, and info.

 there are some good bike shops in town as well I recommend petal
power. welcome to kentucky, enjoy your ride!

Offline rsheard

Cycling in Lexington, KY
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2006, 10:07:39 pm »
I have to echo those here who have said that Lexington isn't the best location for commuting by bike. I lived there for five years (before I began cycling, incidentally), and the area is actually fairly congested, despite its being a relatively small city.

The rural roads might give you some decent riding, but I would think commuting will be frustrating, although not impossible.

Robert Sheard