I found this on the web at
http://www.visitlex.com/quick/outdoors.html regarding Lexington, Ky bike routes:
A Bonanza of Back Roads for Two-Wheeled Tourists
In Lexington and surrounding counties, there are over 1,000 miles of lightly traveled back roads excellent for bicycle touring. Along tree-shaded Bluegrass back roads youll pedal past beautiful farms, lovely streams, historic homes and sites and old rock fences.
Good cycling routes are found in all directions; where you choose to ride will depend on whether you want to go 5 miles or 50, and upon your ability. The routes range from easy to strenuous. To get recommendations for the best bike routes, contact the Bluegrass Cycling Club at P.O. Box 1397, Lexington, KY,40588, or stop at an area bike shop: Dodds Cyclery, 1985 Harrodsburg Rd. (859) 277-6013; Pedal the Planet, 3450 Richmond Rd. (859) 264-1923; Pedal Power, 401 S. Upper St. (859) 255-6408; or Schellers, 212 Woodland Ave. (859) 233-1764.
Many organized riding events are held in the area throughout the year. The Bluegrass Cycling Clubs Horsey Hundred, held every Memorial Day weekend, attracts about 1,000 bicyclists. Theres a Red River Rally in the Red River Gorge in early October. Shorter excursions are scheduled throughout the year. For information on special cycling events, consult the internet at
www.bgcycling.org .
Blue Note: The Kentucky section of the TransAmerica Bike Trail is more than 600 miles long, running from mountainous Pike County in the east of rural Crittenden County, across the Ohio River from Illinois. For a free state guide to bicycle tours call 800-225-TRIP.