Author Topic: Best route to traverse America  (Read 16642 times)

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Offline Kelly

Best route to traverse America
« Reply #15 on: October 20, 2006, 09:01:45 pm »
Tipsy said back in August he was leaving in a couple of weeks and nothing from him since. So . . .  I suppose this comment does him no good, but perhaps it will help someone else.

I have not ridden the Western Express, but have talked to several people who have. There is plenty of altitude gain. wind is a serious factor - blown off your bike fierce. Temperature can fluctuate drastically. There are long, long distances between towns.

Basically, it's one of the harder routes across.

I have ridden the Trans Am down into Wyoming. People are used to cyclists along that route. That's good for camping and supplies. There's also plenty of other cyclists enroute to compare notes with. The western section of the Trans Am is scenic and a great ride.

Kelly I.

Offline litespeed

Best route to traverse America
« Reply #16 on: October 21, 2006, 03:07:13 pm »
I have only been chased by dogs, and not very often, in the rural southeast - Mississippi, Alabama, etc. I've never been bitten.
Personally I prefer to camp but only in proper campgrounds - state parks, KOA's, municipal (town) campgrounds. The best are in the upper midwest - Wisconsin, Minnesota and thereabouts. I've stayed in plenty of cheap motels but often regretted it - noisy people living it up in the parking lot, times when I couldn't get a nonsmoking room, etc. Also, I tend to watch tv and stay up late. In my tent I just crawl in and sleep. Camping saves a LOT of money
Kansas is very windy and if it's against you it can be very tough. The worst headwinds I ever fought were SE winds Grand Junction CO-Pueblo CO-Wichita KS. On the other hand, a foreign tourist might find Dodge City a blast.
Unlike most touring cyclists, I just love KOA's. They are consistently clean, friendly, well organized and, being family oriented, very quiet at night. One exception: they are often near a main freeway or highway so if you are bothered by traffic noise you might avoid them.
Crosing Nevada, particularly in summer, can be very tough - hot as hell and long stretches of nothing. Oregon, while fairly tough in the eastern half, is better cycling. Also all touring cyclists love the town of Mitchell.