I have only been chased by dogs, and not very often, in the rural southeast - Mississippi, Alabama, etc. I've never been bitten.
Personally I prefer to camp but only in proper campgrounds - state parks, KOA's, municipal (town) campgrounds. The best are in the upper midwest - Wisconsin, Minnesota and thereabouts. I've stayed in plenty of cheap motels but often regretted it - noisy people living it up in the parking lot, times when I couldn't get a nonsmoking room, etc. Also, I tend to watch tv and stay up late. In my tent I just crawl in and sleep. Camping saves a LOT of money
Kansas is very windy and if it's against you it can be very tough. The worst headwinds I ever fought were SE winds Grand Junction CO-Pueblo CO-Wichita KS. On the other hand, a foreign tourist might find Dodge City a blast.
Unlike most touring cyclists, I just love KOA's. They are consistently clean, friendly, well organized and, being family oriented, very quiet at night. One exception: they are often near a main freeway or highway so if you are bothered by traffic noise you might avoid them.
Crosing Nevada, particularly in summer, can be very tough - hot as hell and long stretches of nothing. Oregon, while fairly tough in the eastern half, is better cycling. Also all touring cyclists love the town of Mitchell.