Author Topic: British Columbia Routes  (Read 7543 times)

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Offline James

British Columbia Routes
« on: August 29, 2006, 12:59:35 am »
I am planning a ride in Canada summer 2007 but know little of some of the roads.  I think I would like to travel Banff to Kamloops to Jasper on the Yellowhead highway and back to Banff via the Icefields parkway.  I have seen the Parkway and think it is wonderfull, but how about the rest of my route?  Are the roads ok for riding or are there better choices?  Any info, or suggestions, would be appreciated.

Offline scottcole

British Columbia Routes
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2007, 08:34:37 am »
did you ever get any responses to this email ? I realize I am many months later, but my girlfriend and I are planning the same route through BC and are interested in routes, particularly the connection from Jasper, across BC to the West to Prince Rupert


Offline birdman

British Columbia Routes
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2007, 06:12:39 am »
I have mostly planned a trip across BC starting August that somewhat follows what you're looking for. I plan on travelling East from Prince rupert to Jasper, South on the Icefields parkway to Lake louise, Further south untill Cranbrook. I will then be heading East further through the Crowsnest pass and North on highway 22 to Calgary. I know most of the roads through BC and would be willing to lend a hand to the planning.

Offline scottcole

British Columbia Routes
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2007, 06:27:18 am »
i would love to exchange thoughts with you on this planning effort. Would be much appreciated. We have a done a bunch of research, too, so perhaps you might benefit, too :)

feel free to contact me via it an invite to spammers to list that here ?...well, check my website and go to contact page, my name is scott cole


Offline RIDE_2_LIVE

British Columbia Routes
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2007, 03:03:12 pm »
Hi gang... The route you speak of is very well traveled by cyclist, and is part of the BC Randonneur's 1200km ride. Called the Rocky Mt. 1200 -- read up on it at:"

This may offer even more insite into the route.

Many people have concerns regarding the amount of big rigs & logging trucks, but I have had little problems.  

I hope knowing this is a route for a major rando  brevet eases your mind. Enjoy the Icefield parkway. You'll love it.

Also... West of Prince George has some poor sections with little shoulder. A great trip once west of Vanderhoof, but again... shoulders come & go.

For every mile of road there is two miles of ditch. Play safe.
Ride Safe! -- Rob
NOTE: For every mile of road there is two miles of ditch.

Offline scottcole

British Columbia Routes
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2007, 05:25:27 pm »
hey, thanks for this. indeed, i rest better knowing some enduro freaks ride here, too :)  wait, i'm an enduro freak...

actually we are staying further south on the Kettle Valley RR trail and other extensions, but thanks anyway.

appreciate the insight on the route through Prince G to Prince Rupert. We were actually thinking of taking our time through icefield and then hopping the train from PG to P. Rupert.  Then spend some time on the Queen Charlottes. Have any bike beta on that ? actually i might post that as a new topic here...

Offline RIDE_2_LIVE

British Columbia Routes
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2007, 02:32:43 pm »
I've been to the QC Islands on numerous occasions, can't say I have or would wish to cycle there.

Option 1: stick to pave - Great views and battle tourist in RVs too! Be prepaired for rain.
Option 2: stick to dirt - Great views, eat dust (or mud), and battle locals in logging trucks too!

Personally, I would bounce around on logging roads in a 4x4 and book a cycling vacation in the Gulf Islands.

Much more laid back cycling there.

Ride Safe! -- Rob
NOTE: For every mile of road there is two miles of ditch.
Ride Safe! -- Rob
NOTE: For every mile of road there is two miles of ditch.