Author Topic: Lost Coast, CA  (Read 6479 times)

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Offline BeachWizard

Lost Coast, CA
« on: November 24, 2006, 01:35:12 pm »
We're going to do the Lost Coast in May 2007. I need advice from others
who have done this route. Can we do it in a day? Is the road all paved, or
is there some dirt?

Offline jill47

Lost Coast, CA
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2006, 10:38:00 pm »
It has been a few years since I did the route, but when I did it over 90%
was paved. You might Google the route and find information from the
annual century ride that is done on the route. Other, more moderate folks
would like it better as a two day ride, camping at a county park past

Offline RussellSeaton

Lost Coast, CA
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2006, 01:08:45 pm »
I have a friend who has done it twice.  He is not a strong super serious biker.  It is a one day ride.  Options of 10, 25, 50, 100 miles.  I think all of the options except the century are out and back.  Century is a loop.  There are two or three major climbs.  I think just two because the last two climbs are really considered just one since they happen close together.  Not sure why there would be any question as to whether you can do it in a day since it is a day ride and many others do it in one day.

Offline BikerLee

Lost Coast, CA
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2006, 04:18:35 pm »
The replies seem to be refering to the "Tour of the Unknown Coast"
That is a one day event, I've done the century twice.
I researched riding the Lost Coast a few years back. If I remember correctly, there was a stretch of at least 30 miles of dirt road. Don't have my forrest service maps, but it seemed to be a rough stretch of road joining Highway north of Rockport.
Never did the ride, just commenting from research and memory.