Author Topic: Cycling Trip On Cape Cod  (Read 7514 times)

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Offline razor

Cycling Trip On Cape Cod
« on: February 18, 2007, 10:33:02 pm »
 Hi ,I would be interested in taking cycling trip on Cape Cod this summer. I would like to start near the Cross Cape canal . If anyone could suggest where I could safely park a car for a few days it would be a great help . Also any suggestions on routes or things to see would be welcome . For that matter if you know of someone running a club tour or not for profit I would be interested in that also. Funding is a factor.


Offline bktourer1

Cycling Trip On Cape Cod
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2007, 07:52:36 am »
get the Reubels bike map for the Cape first of all.
On the cape there are 2 state campgrounds and many private.  There is only 1 on Martha's Vineyard and the cheapest ferry to MV is at Woods Hole ($6.50 + $3.00 for bike one way). There is also Scussett CG on the mainland near the Sagamore bridge anda private one near the Bourne bridge.  Check out the Ma. state siet for the Cape Code Rail Trail.  Some of it will be closed for maint. until mid june.

Offline razor

Cycling Trip On Cape Cod
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2007, 10:13:05 pm »
Thanks Ed, do you think they would let me park a pick-up truck at one of these campgrounds ?


Offline bktourer1

Cycling Trip On Cape Cod
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2007, 11:13:31 pm »
Most of the State Parks charge a daily parking fee and may not allow overnight parking.  You may want to get the MA state park site and put the question to them.
Check wih local PD's.  they may tell where a good place to park is.  The trailhead lots,on the cape are usually closed after dark.  You may wish to get a camp site park there and travel around.   Thats what I'm doing this year  Shady Knoll in Brewster (mid cape) is near the trail

Offline Quahog03

Cycling Trip On Cape Cod
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2007, 03:19:02 pm »
Hi Razor,
 I'll try to add a little info.
Scusseet is very nice ( I was there last year), however I think they only
have 5 tents sites, most are for RV'S. The good news is it's right on the
Canal and you can cycle the full lenght to the Sagamore bridge. I
remember the parking lot near the showers and it was large and it
looked like it also was a storage area. Call ahead and see what they
say. Also I believe there is a campground on the other side of the
canal,which would save you the hassle of getting you and your bike
over the bridge.
PS. If you go to Scussett,I'll give you $10.00 if you can stay in the water
for 30 mins., even in July !! :) :)