Author Topic: Western Express  (Read 8839 times)

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Offline dougstetson

Western Express
« on: March 19, 2007, 12:05:04 pm »
I'm planning an east to west TransAmerica, using the ACA Western Express from  Pueblo to San Francisco. The ACA maps have arrived and the riding conditions described for Utah and Nevada are pretty grim. I expect to leave Virginia mid- to late May putting me in NV and UT in mid-July and August. As I pursue this insanity I would really appreciate advice from those who have gone before on the Western Express. Thanks!

Doug Stetson
San Francisco bound

This message was edited by dougstetson on 4-8-07 @ 5:28 PM
Doug Stetson
San Francisco bound

Offline jeffscott

Western Express
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2007, 02:17:33 pm »
Hey Doug:
My partner Mary & I are planning the same trip and will arrive in DC on 5/1.  Maybe we will see traces of you as we bring up the rear.  In 1998 we did the Southern route at age 48/49.  It just takes persistence, but this central route does look more daunting. If you check the riding conditions Virginia, Kentucky etc appear far more grim than the West.  Best of luck, Jeff

Offline dougstetson

Western Express
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2007, 08:56:59 pm »
Jeff & Mary -- Good to hear you enjoyed the Southern Tier and you're both going back for more. If you're willing, I'd like to exchange email. My address is in my profile. Thanks. Doug

Doug Stetson
San Francisco bound
Doug Stetson
San Francisco bound

Offline valygrl

Western Express
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2007, 05:00:46 pm »
Doug, I think it will be way too hot.  I'm in Utah (Moab) now, and 2 days ago (March!!!!) it was in the 90's.  Maybe you could connect to the Lewis and Clark, instead?  I road L&C (eastbound) starting 8/1/2003, and it was very nice.

I haven't ridden the W.E., but I have driven it, and it is significantly empty, windy, hilly and high altitude.  Hot in summer, cold in winter.  

Jamawani over on has a lot of experience in that area, you might want to try asking there.


Offline dougstetson

Western Express
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2007, 11:54:02 pm »
Thanks, Anna. The heat, emptiness and lack of water are issues that I have not found well addressed in the journals I've read and I appreciate your real world experience. OTOH, my real goal is SF, and the L&C is pretty much out of the way. If slow and easy can do the job, I'd be interested.

Any other experiences with the Western Experss in summer out there?

Doug Stetson
San Francisco bound
Doug Stetson
San Francisco bound