Author Topic: Crossing the Mighty Mac  (Read 12515 times)

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Offline ride29

Crossing the Mighty Mac
« on: April 13, 2007, 03:38:51 pm »
What is the procedure for crossing the Mackinaw Bridge from Michigan's UP to the LP? I'll be coming back from out west in early August, and I'm not sure what the deal is in getting over the bridge. Thanks!

Daryl Bernard
Daryl Bernard

Offline litespeed

Crossing the Mighty Mac
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2007, 04:09:40 pm »
I've read that they discourage or forbid cycling across the Mackinac Bridge but they have a "Drivers' Assistance Program". You call in advance or just show up and wait for help across. I have done this at the Chesapeake Bridge/Tunnel. A maintenance man took me across in his pickup. They might have a similar service for the Mac.
The website is You could e-mail or phone them and ask what to do.

Offline ride29

Crossing the Mighty Mac
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2007, 04:55:47 pm »
Thanks for the link - I went to that website and this is what I found:

Transport Services
The Mackinac Bridge Authority provides transport services for pedestrians, bicyclists and snowmobilers who are not allowed to cross on their own. Fees are:

Passengers  $2.00
Bicycles  $2.00
Snowmobile and driver*  $10.00
(Extra passenger)   $2.00

*Service available 8am-8pm, 7 days a week

Daryl Bernard
Daryl Bernard


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Crossing the Mighty Mac
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2007, 08:29:16 am »
Do consider a visit to Mackinac Island as an alternative. Ferry from St. Ignace, ride around a very pretty island and a busy tourist town with nicely restored Victorian residences and an historic fort. The only motor vehicles are the fire engine and the ambulance. Dodge the horse poop. Finish with a ferry ride to Mackinaw City. I have done this twice and had a blast both times.


Offline ride29

Crossing the Mighty Mac
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2007, 04:12:12 pm »
Fred ~ Thanks, but I've spent enough time on Mackinac Island to make the ferry fee simply not worth it. It is a nice little island, but a bit touristy to me. Or, as one of my colleagues say - "just a bunch of horsesh*t and fudge"... Regardless, I just want to get across the bridge, and $2 fits nicely into my budget.

Daryl Bernard
Daryl Bernard


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Crossing the Mighty Mac
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2007, 08:39:42 am »
LOL, I hear you, Daryl! For those who have not been there, though, the fudge shops and horse-poop-strewn roads constitute about half a mile in town. The rest of the island is rural and beautiful. Three-quarters of it is state park with picnic areas and overlooks. I recommend the eight-mile loop around the shore line and any of the hilly interior roads.


Offline ride29

Crossing the Mighty Mac
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2007, 10:32:33 pm »
Fred - having come across the bridge a few times, have you ever ridden down the Lake Michigan coastline, through the "tunnel of trees" between Bliss and Harbor Springs? I've only driven it, but I always see lots of bike riders. Our favorite beach is a very secluded stretch of Lake Michigan sand just north of Bliss. I plan on taking that route, and continuing down through Petoskey, to Traverse City, before heading home to Midland.
Daryl Bernard


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Crossing the Mighty Mac
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2007, 08:14:04 am »
No. I went down the Lake Huron side of the LP to visit friends, so have never seen that route. Some day!


Offline ptaylor

Crossing the Mighty Mac
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2007, 06:24:41 pm »

I've ridden The Tunnel Of Trees...twice in fact.

The first time was the "Big Mac Shoreline Spring Tour" in 1994 (I just checked my t-shirt to make sure I had the name & date right). It was a two day event -the first day we rode our bikes across the bridge! Road crews closed off a lane, laid plywood over the expansion joints, and we rode over and back. What a thrill.

The second time was on portions of the ACA North Lakes & Lake Erie Connector routes, which go through Mackinaw City, Petoskey, Traverse City, and Midland. I did that in 2006.

You have some very nice biking in your neck of the woods.


Offline ride29

Crossing the Mighty Mac
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2007, 11:57:05 am »
Paul - the thing that has always concerned me about riding the tunnel of trees route is safety. The road is very narrow (two vary narrow lanes), there is zero shoulder, the trees begin immediately where the road ends, and the road dips and rises and twists and turns continuously. There is no way for a driver to see a bike rider until they are right on him. While it appears to be a fun and scenic bike ride, it's also a fun and scenic drive, the kind that some drivers might like to zip along - like a little roller coaster. Did you find safetly to be a concern?

Daryl Bernard
Daryl Bernard

Offline Peaks

Crossing the Mighty Mac
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2007, 06:05:54 pm »
When we came through the Tunnel of Trees the Michigander Bike Tour was going the other way.  

I wasn't more concerned about safety than anywhere else on the Northern Tier.  As I recall, car traffic was considerate.  They are probably used to bikes along the route.