Author Topic: August ride across america  (Read 7190 times)

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Offline boonebikeguy

August ride across america
« on: May 02, 2007, 02:31:38 pm »
I just became a paid memeber and just joined the forums. I am looking for any advice in formulating a route from Nags head NC to Eugene Oregon. The ride is to draw attention and awareness to a goal that I want to achieve which is create an international NGO to build a montesorri school in Bishkek Kyrgyzstan. I know about the cyclist yellow pages (now) But really I need advice in sturcturing the route to go where I need to go and stop every day in a city to meet with churches and other organizations to ask for sponsership and volunteers.To be honest I used to simply race ride and train never rode across america. I am simply being honest, I can't really sit in one spot and pourt over maps constantly, so if anyone has some advice to make it simpler please advise me. I can ride and race very is the talent god gave me, I want to use my talent to being other peoples to my cause that have talents in areas like administration, clerical, etc... All of this is tertiary to my main goal of simply riding the route and understanding how to formulate it better.

Thank you.

"Love is a river where crazy people drown"--Kyrgyz proverb
"Love is a river where crazy people drown"--Kyrgyz proverb

Offline ptaylor

August ride across america
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2007, 10:28:11 pm »
Hi Boon.

If you haven't already done so, be sure to review the How-To department. Also, the National Bike Network gives you a good overview of the ACA routes. If you can follow one, or a combination of these routes, it will make your planning much easier. It sounds like you want your route to go through some fairly large cities: the ACA routes avoid those locations, so I'm not sure how helpful they will be.

Also, google "bicycle routes" or something similar for each state you will be going through. Some states, like North Carolina have a some pretty good maps to help you plan.

Good luck.


Offline boonebikeguy

August ride across america
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2007, 03:39:10 am »
thanks for the reply and info..

"Love is a river where crazy people drown"--Kyrgyz proverb
"Love is a river where crazy people drown"--Kyrgyz proverb

Offline boonebikeguy

August ride across america
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2007, 02:20:04 pm »

"Love is a river where crazy people drown"--Kyrgyz proverb
"Love is a river where crazy people drown"--Kyrgyz proverb