Author Topic: Getting to Portland  (Read 8283 times)

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Offline lpslogan

Getting to Portland
« on: May 29, 2007, 12:20:40 pm »
My girlfriend and I are using the AdvCycling Pacific Coast maps for a tour (our first long trip and our first loaded tour) from Seattle to San Francisco this summer.  However, we want to take a detour in order to spend a few days with friends in Portland, OR, and we need to find a bike-safe route into the city proper.  I know there's an annual ride from Seattle to Portland, but their route crosses the Lewis and Clark Bridge at Longview, which seems like it might not be safe for novices, or even accessible, without a larger touring group.

So I was thinking it would be smart to follow the AdvCycling route to the ferry from Cathlamet, WA to Westport, OR and find a route into Portland from there.

Does anybody have any suggestions for us?  Thanks in advance.

Offline valygrl

Getting to Portland
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2007, 10:53:53 am »
Astoria to Portlant on Rte 30, following the columbia river, 1.5 days, RV Park in the middle, wide shoulder  but lots of traffic as you approach portland.

Offline lpslogan

Getting to Portland
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2007, 09:14:40 pm »
Thanks for the advice.  Good to know that Rt. 30 is safe.

Just thinking of other options - would there be good route that would get us more directly from the Longview, WA area down to Portland?

Offline TRobertson

Getting to Portland
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2007, 01:29:01 pm »
US Hwy. 30 would be the shortest, and most direct, route from
Longview to Portland. It is part of the Lewis and Clark Bicycle Route,
Section #7. The bridge going over the river at Longview is TALL. There
is also a ferry that crosses west of Longview, but you would have to
ride "backwards" to get to it.

US Hwy. 30 does have more traffic as you approach Portland, but there
is a good shoulder for the ride.

From Portland, the only route that Adventure Cycling uses to get back
to the coast is on US 30. You might try to get in touch with the bike
coordinator from Oregon to pick up a state bike map. They most likely
will have other options for you to get back. They also can get you a city
bike map of Portland. Here is their contact info:

Michael P. Ronkin
Bicycle & Pedestrian Program Manager
Oregon Department of Transportation
355 Capitol St NE, Room 222
Salem OR 97301-3871
503-986-3555; Fax 503-986-4063

Have a great trip.

Tom Robertson
routes and mapping
Adventure Cycling

Offline chricycle

Getting to Portland
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2007, 05:55:28 pm »
Coming in a little late here, but the city of Portland's website has an excellent description of several bike routes to the beach, here.