Author Topic: alcan highway  (Read 11386 times)

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Offline HONDO

alcan highway
« on: June 23, 2007, 01:11:10 pm »
4 of us are driving an rv to anchorage next may and two of us decided to take a couple  bicyles we dont ride much anymore and ride parts of the alcan, then when we are finished we plan to give them to a couple kids that dont have one.Anyone have experience with the alcan and what its like to ride a bike on? thanks

Offline MaryK

alcan highway
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2007, 01:49:50 pm »
My husband and I did a trip in Alaska a few years ago and rode sections of the Alcan.  Coming out of Anchorage, there was a bike path you could follow, but after that you're on the road.  The shoulders were wide, but filled with debris.  We fixed a lot of flats.

In addition, it seems like there's a great number of people with RVs who really don't know how to drive them.  You've got to be very careful every time a vehicle is passing you from behind.

The weather can also be variable.  Even though we rode in July, we were in long sleeves and tights most of the time and got a lot of rain.  We had hoped for temps in the 60s, but the 50s was more of what we saw.

One cool thing is that a lot of people in Alaska use small planes to get around.  There are not a lot of landing strips, and they often will land them right in the road, then taxi into their driveways.  One of my favorite sites was watching a fellow cyclist constantly look over his shoulder because he couldn't figure out where the engine sound he heard was coming from.  He thought it was a car and had a great look of astonishment on his face when a small plane landed right in front of him.

Alaska is one of those places you should see, but it's not my favorite place for cycling.  

I hope this helps.


Offline HONDO

alcan highway
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2007, 04:13:39 pm »
Thanks for the info Mary. I hope my ride on the alcan doesnt end up being a two wheel version of "Ice Road Truckers" on the Hisory channel.

Offline jnorth

alcan highway
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2007, 10:26:19 pm »
do you want to cycle around while in alaska, or do short rides while driving the RV back home?
i would suggest staying off the alcan altogether. there are alot of fabulous rides within the state, such as anchorage-whittier-ferry to valdez--paxson and across the denali highway, and either back to anchorage or on to fairbanks.
the highway conditions and shoulders get better each year. only the richardson highway between glenallen and delta is without a shoulder these days.

Offline WetDogRider

alcan highway
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2007, 02:36:32 pm »
You had a beautiful experience , going to Alaska ! I spent 3 years in Fairbanks , while in the Army , and did alot of bike riding around the community .They had excellent trails in and around Fairbanks , and recomend anyone traveling to Alaska take advantage of riding the country side . Use extreme caution when riding in Bear country , they are there and they rule . . .Also . . .  Be sure to have two things with you . . . Camera , and a Cell Phone ! Take alot of pictures , because as hard as you try , you cann't explain what you saw without photos, and the Cell phone to call , and brag about what you just saw .
Ride On

This message was edited by WetDogRider on 7-22-07 @ 10:40 AM