Author Topic: My Ride for Cancer  (Read 5915 times)

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Offline rifke

My Ride for Cancer
« on: January 09, 2008, 01:42:45 pm »
Hello all, I am planning a solo ride (with support vehicle) from Houston, Texas to Indianapolis, Indiana to raise money, in memory of my little brother, for the Lance Armstrong Foundation. The task of mapping a route is a daunting task because none of the mapping programs provide routes that are cycle friendly. I am wanting to travel country roads and stay off heavily traveled roads. Does anybody have any ideas how I can map this route? Thanks in advance. John

Offline JayH

My Ride for Cancer
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2008, 02:11:08 pm »
You could always integrate your route with the ACA's route...

It looks like there is a route that goes close to Indy, and if you're from Texas, check your state's DOT to see if they have free cycling maps that list traffic densities and shoulder widths.  


Offline TRobertson

My Ride for Cancer
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2008, 02:48:37 pm »
Hi John,

I would suggest to take a look at the Adventure Cycling routes  http:// From there, find out
which parts you could potentially use. The next step is to get in touch
with the bike coordinators for the states in which you will be traveling
through. The bike coordinators have a wealth of information that they
can distribute for no charge. Most every state publishes a bicycle map
of their state that they will send out for free....and while the maps
aren't as detailed as ours, they generally offer suggested roads for
cycling through their state. Some states, such as Colorado and
Wisconsin, have outstanding information, while other states are much
simpler. But every little piece of information can help. Here is a link to
the contact information for all of the bicycle coordinators:  http://

I hope that this helps.

Tom Robertson
routes and mapping