Author Topic: Wyo Routes  (Read 8204 times)

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Offline jimbo

Wyo Routes
« on: January 12, 2008, 12:39:17 pm »
Have been a viewer, but first time sender. Mapping out a first time touring
trip W2E supported "C2C4 Conservation" route (Aug-Oct 08). The plan
includes traveling thru Yellowstone, exiting on 14 to Cody-Graybull. I
have driven 14 thru Granite Pass to Ranchester and also 16 to Worland-
TenSleep-Buffalo via Powder River Pass. I recall that Granite Pass is steep
but Powder River more gradual. Thoughts on best pass?
Heading East next stop is Black Hills and Wind Caves. Best Route for a
Trek 520? Thx

Offline valygrl

Wyo Routes
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2008, 12:57:26 am »
Here's a google map of the route I used in '04.   Used the Lewis & Clark to get (near) Bozeman, from there Yellowstone - Cody - Greybull - Tensleep - Buffalo - Devils Tower - spearfish Canyon - Custer - Badlands.

This is the map:

I haven't done all the alternatives, but I highly enjoyed my route.  Powder River Pass was 8% for a long long long way.  Seriously beautiful, though - stands out for me as one of the hardest and one of the best days of my XC.  One of the things that made it particularly hard was the lack of services, so on a supported ride it should be cake.  

I didn't do the Mickelson Trail getting into Custer, but I hear I should have.

Route was all paved, used a 520 with lowered gearing, fully loaded.  Have fun!

Offline litespeed

Wyo Routes
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2008, 10:00:53 am »
The Mickelson Trail is unpaved so you'll need fairly large tires. I did Hill City - Custer (with a stop at the monument) with 28mm tires. I made it all right but it got a bit squirrely at times with loose gravel. With my present 37mm's it would be easy.

I did Ranchester - Lovell. The ascent was tough but the descent off the west side of the Bighorns on 14A was absolutely hair raising - 10 degrees for 13 miles and plenty winding. I'd love to hear from anyone who has climbed that.

This message was edited by litespeed on 1-17-08 @ 6:03 AM

Offline artthedart

Wyo Routes
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2008, 07:39:52 pm »
I toured eastward across 14A in 1992 on my way back to MN from Alaska.  I had 3 beers and 4 ham and cheese sandwiches, (provided by my great aunt back in Powell), when I arrived at the base of the climb.  I drank the beers and ate all of the sandwiches in order to 'lighten' the load.  3 hours of standing in my granny gear, (24X32), later, I was on top and ready to collapse.  Biggest climb of my tour, to say the least. It looks like the surface of the moon, down to the west, from the top. Can't wait to see/do it again.

Offline litespeed

Wyo Routes
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2008, 01:49:54 pm »
I'm impressed. You get real bragging rights.

You are certainly right about the view westward from the top of the climb. That 30 miles or so of 14A from Lovell (a fairly forlorn, dusty town) is a truly bleak, unattractive stretch of desert. At least there is little traffic.