Author Topic: Is April 15 to early to start the TA?  (Read 5996 times)

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Offline AThhiker

Is April 15 to early to start the TA?
« on: January 29, 2008, 06:57:52 pm »
Im actually a backpacker with bad feet, so I thought I would take up cycling.  I plan on doing the TransAm trail starting April 15, 2008.  I have a new Trek 520 with all the required stuff for long distance cycling.  What I need to know is April 15 to early to start and anything else a beginning long distance cyclist should know.

Offline AThhiker

Is April 15 to early to start the TA?
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2008, 07:08:12 pm »
Oh, and I'll be going westbound!  Should be at Hoosier Pass by the end of May.

Offline staehpj1

Is April 15 to early to start the TA?
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2008, 08:16:58 pm »
It might be a bit early.  You could be OK, but you might find cold and snow in the higher altitudes.  You are also more likely to have rain in the east.  You will miss the heat and humidity in the east though.

I wouldn't be too surprised if you got to Hoosier Pass a little faster than that either.  I think we took 33 days for that section (going the opposite direction).

I would be inclined to go a bit later if it was me.  Is that an option or is the start date hard to change for some reason?

Oh, one other thing.  Expect the Appalachians to be tough.  They were far and away the hardest part of the trip.  I say this so that you won't be thinking that the Rockies will be harder and obsessing over that.

Whenever you go, have a good time.  It is a great route.

Offline AThhiker

Is April 15 to early to start the TA?
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2008, 10:21:15 pm »
Im retired so I could start anytime but I really dont like the heat and humidity of May, June and July.

 Im very familiar with the Appalachians and dont plan to go very fast through that area or the Ozarks.  Im not planning  to go much more than 60 miles a day on average and hope for an early thaw in the Rockies.  

 I appreciate your advice  thanks!