Author Topic: US Perimeter Tour Logistics  (Read 9796 times)

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Offline kellen

US Perimeter Tour Logistics
« on: June 04, 2008, 02:36:37 pm »
I'm roughly planning a dream tour...

Depart from Vancouver, BC on the Pacific Coast Trail,
then Southern Tier, then Atlantic Coast, then either Northern Tier or TransAm trail...  (or in reverse)

I'm estimating 11,000 miles, 6-9 months...

My question is of logistics...

Which direction should I go?  How early should I start to time weather and wind right?

Any advice would be much appreciated...


Offline wanderingwheel

US Perimeter Tour Logistics
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2008, 06:38:25 pm »
My first concern would be to ride the Northern Tier in good weather -- summer.  Starting from Vancouver, I'd be tempted to ride it first so that I have better control over the time of year.  If I rode it last, my schedule could easily change by 3 months as you noted, possibly moving me out of the window that I wanted.

The Southern Tier is much more leniant schedule wise.  I might try to avoid it during the dog days of summer, but othersie I'm not too concerned.  Also, I can't think of any one season having significantly less rain than another.  The wind on it, like the Northern Tier, generally comes out of the south, so direction is also not too important.

On the Pacific Coast, there is a pretty reliable strong wind from the north.  If riding from the south, you may get lucky and catch the one week or two a year that the wind switches, but more likely than not you will be fighting a stiff headwind most of the way.

I don't recall any significant prevailing wind on Atlantic Coast, maybe someone else can correct me.  The timing on the two coast routes I think is more determined by what time you want to hit the Northern Tier.  New England in the fall is particularly nice, as is California in the spring.

Adding it all together, I'm torn between going counter-clockwise to avoid headwinds on the Pacific, and going clockwise to control the time I'm on the Northern Tier.  My final choice?  Haven't a clue.


Offline JayH

US Perimeter Tour Logistics
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2008, 09:39:21 pm »
In general, the prevailing winds on the Atlantic seaboard would be southerly but I don't think it would be as "regular" as other places, I mean we get storms that start in the south that move up the coast but then nor'easters and sometimes air coming from Canada depending on the jet stream so I don't think the winds have as much a pattern as the west coast which gets a lot of wind off the pacific, I presume.


Offline dfege

US Perimeter Tour Logistics
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2008, 10:11:15 pm »
Here's a great book about bicycling the perimeter of the U.S.  It was written by Jane Schnell.  If nothing else, it's fun to read.

Offline FredB

US Perimeter Tour Logistics
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2008, 01:10:11 pm »
I am also thinking of doing a perimeter tour starting in Toronto, so I would join on the Northern Tier at Niagara Falls.

I think the summer on the Northern Tier, fall on the Pacific Coast, winter on the Southern Tier and then spring up the east coast and back to Toronto.

How is your planning going?

Offline staehpj1

US Perimeter Tour Logistics
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2008, 01:37:32 pm »
I worked out a tentative schedule for starting and finishing at my home in Maryland.  I don't have it here at work, but it basically a matter of picking a pace and playing with start and finish dates to try to hit the various segments at suitable times of year.  I think that starting around June 1 works OK for a six month counter clockwise trip starting in Baltimore.

I think that counter clockwise is the way to go regardless of starting point.

I think it is easiest to make the schedule work if starting in California in Winter but late enough to  have the snow melted on the NT and the rain done on the PCH in the Northwest.  As I said you have to pick a pace and then play with different start dates.

Offline staehpj1

US Perimeter Tour Logistics
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2008, 01:39:33 pm »
I forgot to ask.  Are you seriously considering this trip or is it an academic exercise?  I hope to do it, but will not have the time until I retire (probably a few years off yet).

BTW: I had a copy of my proposed timetable on CGOAB and they came back up after an outage so I now have the following:
                           Miles  Days   Start      Finish
Baltimore to Bar Harbor    1000   16     06/01/??   06/17/??
Northern Tier              4295   69     06/17/??   08/25/??
Pacific Coast              1836   29     08/25/??   09/23/??
Southern Tier              3159   50     09/23/??   11/12/??
St. Augustine to Baltimore 1000   16     11/12/??   11/28/??
        11290   miles    
        180     days

This message was edited by staehpj1 on 7-29-08 @ 9:43 AM

Offline FredB

US Perimeter Tour Logistics
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2008, 01:49:45 pm »

If your question was posed to me, yes I am serious about doing a permiter route. I am on a work contract in Bermuda until June 2010 so for the next 2 years will be doing shorter tours (in September I am touring in Provence, France).

When my contract is up I plan to do the perimeter of the U.S.

Offline staehpj1

US Perimeter Tour Logistics
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2008, 03:32:14 pm »
FredB, I am jealous!

Have a great trip.