Author Topic: Western Virginia Route- route 80 quality  (Read 6193 times)

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Offline jsakic200

Western Virginia Route- route 80 quality
« on: June 17, 2008, 08:41:31 pm »
I'm actually doing the trans-America + Western Express on rollerblades. I've been having a good trip so far, and have been taking more major roads like route 11 with smooth pavement. I'm wondering what the quality of the road is along route 80; how's the pavement? i really strongly prefer very smooth pavement, so let me know if i should be looking for another route. Thanks!

Offline hikergrl

Western Virginia Route- route 80 quality
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2008, 07:02:19 pm »

Rollerblading, you go!  (and go and go and go) :8o:

To err is human
To err is human

Offline staehpj1

Western Virginia Route- route 80 quality
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2008, 07:38:41 am »
Sorry that I don't remember all of the specifics. but...

I think that all of the VA roads on the TA had a reasonable surface.

There were long stretches of horrible surfaces because of road construction in the west.  I think the worst of it was Wyoming and maybe some in Montana.

Missouri had a long stretch of freshly applied tar with no chip yet on it that was pretty bad in the 100 degree heat.  What a mess that was!

Edit: I forgot to say that was in 2007, but the construction in the west was slated to go on for several years.

This message was edited by staehpj1 on 7-10-08 @ 3:39 AM