Author Topic: Help: Route from Wash, D.C. to Charlottesville, VA  (Read 11477 times)

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Offline chasthos

Help: Route from Wash, D.C. to Charlottesville, VA
« on: August 05, 2008, 12:48:16 pm »

I'm looking for a route that is as direct, safe, fast, and scenic between the
Washington, DC metro area (I live Northern Virginia) to Charlottesville, VA.  
I would to ride down in a day (I can ride 150+ miles a day) and ride back
a day or two later.  Thanks for any suggestions.


Offline HONDO

Help: Route from Wash, D.C. to Charlottesville, VA
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2008, 10:12:23 am »
If you want one of the best rides in the Eastern U.S. and your destination is Charlottesville Va. then by all means get to Front Royal Va. and ride the Skyline drive (105mi.) to Waynesboro. I believe its about 80 miles from DC to Front Royal then about 30mi. from Waynesboro to Charlottesville.Maybe not as direct as you would like but the scenery will make up for it.

This message was edited by HONDO on 8-6-08 @ 6:14 AM

Offline brad

Help: Route from Wash, D.C. to Charlottesville, VA
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2008, 10:53:49 am »
where in nova are you? i am in kingstowne.

you could easily get on the adventure cycling atlantic coast route and head down to richmond, and then if you have the delorme road atlas for va find your way to charlottesville via backroads.

otherwise i would say look at going out through warrenton through sperryville, syria area on 29 south to charlottesville.

good luck.

If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay home. ~James Michener

Offline staehpj1

Help: Route from Wash, D.C. to Charlottesville, VA
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2008, 02:01:55 pm »
If you decide to take the AC Atlantic Coast route, the route the TA uses between Richmond and Charlottesville was nice.

Offline rlovisa

Help: Route from Wash, D.C. to Charlottesville, VA
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2008, 07:55:43 pm »
Might be quite a bit longer, and depending where you are in No. VA, consider the W&OD ( out to Perciville, VA.  Use DeLorme maps to get to Front Royal, and as the other post suggested, take Skyline Drive.  Then hop over to your destination.  I would offer that unless you are in really great shape, this route would be a tall order for one day.  29 is a direct route there, but since it is a direct route, it will have a lot of traffic on it.  I've driven 29 many times and would suggest you avoid it from a safety point of view.  Just depends on your comfort level.  Many other state and county rural roads in the area that roughly parallel 29, but that makes the ride longer, harder, etc.  

I also like the other suggestion, that is, use the ACA East Coast route down to say Ashland (you may not need to go all the way to Richmond) and then cut West or South West using DeLorme maps.  Do your homework with the maps and they will help with the choices.

Have a good and safe ride.


Offline chasthos

Help: Route from Wash, D.C. to Charlottesville, VA
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2008, 03:01:41 pm »
Hello all,  Many thanks for the suggestions.  I agree the Front Royal -
Skyline route is the way to go scenically and I think I will return that
way.  I will look into the AC route toward Richmond as one possibility
since I plan on doing this trip a few times.  For the first trip down I am
learning towards a route that heads from Arlington (that's where I am
for the Kingstownian) toward Warrenton and then on back roads and as
directly as possible to Charlottseville.  On the return, if I head toward
Waynesboro to get on Skyline for the scenery I may come down at
Thorton Gap to Sperryville and then back toward Warrenton.  If anyone
has relatively current cue sheets for backroads from Warrenton to
Charlottesville, and Sperryville to Warrenton that would help...I have
Delorme maps but ready-made cue sheets are easier on my 52-year-
old eyes.  Thanks all!

Offline rlovisa

Help: Route from Wash, D.C. to Charlottesville, VA
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2008, 04:20:28 pm »

I don't have any cue sheets but recommend you take a look at Potomac Pedlers Touring Club (PPTC) ( cue sheet site.  They have a couple cue sheets with Warrenton in the name.  Might be worth a look.

...And be Safe Out There...
