Author Topic: Trans Am vs. Northern Tier  (Read 6786 times)

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Offline steveoh

Trans Am vs. Northern Tier
« on: October 15, 2008, 10:23:17 pm »
Planning a trip for the summer of 2010.  I think I have it narrowed down to the Trans Am and Northern Tier.  Any advice on which to choose?  If this helps...I am a not a huge fan of city riding.  My wife and kids are providing sag and we are going to do mainly camping, so I don't need to get near cities.  Thanks in advance for the help.

Offline Westinghouse

Trans Am vs. Northern Tier
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2008, 02:40:57 pm »
Probably either one. I did 2600 miles of the northern tier. All I know about the TA is what I read in a book by Donna Ikenberry. Probably the TA would be your best bet. The NT is okay too for staying out of some big cities. You can always bypass cities.
 If I do the S-tier this winter I am going around New Orleans,Hoston, and Austin somehow.

Offline rabbitoh

Trans Am vs. Northern Tier
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2008, 04:33:27 pm »
If you go to Crazy Guy On A Bike website, you will find hundreds of journals re crossing the US.

Read the two journals by Mike Risica. He rode the TransAM and then the NT two years later. They will give you some useful insights.

I rode the NT, (quite a few years ago now), but the closest I came to any big cities was the southern outskirts of Cleveland. The ACA maps do a great job of keeping you away from cities. However, I have no first hand knowledge of the TransAM.

Whichever ride you do, enjoy the experience. It will last you a lifetime.

Good Cycling
Good Cycling

Offline staehpj1

Trans Am vs. Northern Tier
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2008, 10:08:10 am »
We chose the TA and were happy with the choice.  It avoids larger cities.  The only big towns we passed through were Eugene, Missoula, and Pueblo.  All of those were quite bike friendly and a nice change of pace.

I have not done the NT, so I can't really compare though.

BTW, another option to consider is using the Lewis and Clark route for the part west of Missoula.