Author Topic: East Coast Trip Suggestion  (Read 7619 times)

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Offline funonwheels

East Coast Trip Suggestion
« on: December 11, 2008, 09:54:41 am »
Hi All - I'm a newbie to the forums, and I'm looking for some route suggestions.  Here are the criteria:
- I have around 10 days to spend either in February (brrr...) or maybe some time in April/May/early June
- I like to do around 55-60 miles/day
- I live close to the ACA route in Baltimore, Maryland and I would like to be able to start or end close to home or within a 3-4 hour driving distance away.  Doesn't have to be a loop.
- I'd prefer country roads and not suburban sprawl where possible - how is the Atlantic coast route from Maryland north?

I rode the Atlantic Coast route through Baltimore south to Williamsburg last year.  There was a lot of traffic on the ACA route in spots especially just north of DC during rush hour.  South of DC generally I remember it being a nicer ride.

Thanks for your help!

Offline razor

East Coast Trip Suggestion
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2008, 09:57:00 pm »
The route north all the way to Conn. anyway is very nice . There are a few spots where the route goes though towns that the roads can be busy , very few . I would not go in Feb. it's not just cold but some of the places you would stay are seasonal and you will be climbing up to where there will be ice and snow . The route just north of the Delaware Water Gap has almost nobody living there even in the summer ." Go figure , in NJ no less ."They were going to build a dam and resivore on the Delaware river and forced the people to sell and move out .I would try late May or early June .I live just a block off the route not far from Bull Island State park and have ridden from the Conn. border south to Doylestown Pa .


Offline funonwheels

East Coast Trip Suggestion
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2008, 12:35:55 am »
Thanks razor!  Sounds like going north may be a good option!  If I end the trip somewhere in CT/MA do you recommend any spots where my wife and kids (1 & 4) could drive up and meet me to spend a few days?  Maybe Boston (never been there)?

Offline staehpj1

East Coast Trip Suggestion
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2008, 09:16:13 am »
I haven't ridden the AC route per se, but looking at the map it looks like it goes through areas I remember as being nice riding.

Where are you in Baltimore?  I am between Parkville and Towson.

Offline razor

East Coast Trip Suggestion
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2008, 06:38:36 pm »
  Sorry , I havn't ridden in Conn. or Mass. yet .You could order a bunch of the free state brochures and show them to the family and ask them where they would like to go and work around that .It's worked for me .


Offline funonwheels

East Coast Trip Suggestion
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2008, 04:23:31 pm »
Hi staehpj1 - I'm right near by in Carney

Offline staehpj1

East Coast Trip Suggestion
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2008, 05:53:20 pm »
It is good to know there is another bike tourist near by.  Feel free to contact me at pete dot staehling at gmail dot com if you feel like comparing notes or anything.

Offline JayH

East Coast Trip Suggestion
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2008, 07:48:25 pm »
I've ridden the ACA route from new Paltz to about souther n maine. And I think a nice spot for a family to spend would be Northwestern CT, like around Salisbury. There would be a lot of things you could do, if they are active, there are some nice small hiking trails at American Legion State Forest which is on the ACA trail and the AT (appalachian trail skirts NW CT before going into the Berkshires and MA.  MA is not far away so a family could go up to the Berkshires, Great Barrington area and shop. Or go up to Stockbridge which is a nice quant New England town as well as home to the Norman Rockwell musuem.   It kind of depends what your family likes but I enjoyed NW CT when I rode through it. Small towns, close to attractions..


Offline funonwheels

East Coast Trip Suggestion
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2008, 02:05:36 pm »
Thanks Jay - I will check those out!  I'm still trying to convince my wife to let me go for an extra week so I can go up all the way to Maine, but I don't think it will happen.

I'll be camping on route - any campgrounds that you highly recommend or that I should avoid on route from MD to MA/CT?  Any campgrounds close by to towns that were worth visiting for the afternoon/evening?

On my trip from DC to Williamsburg, VA, I really enjoyed stopping off at Fredericksburg (the site of a civil war battle) and would recommend taking some extra time there...

Offline JayH

East Coast Trip Suggestion
« Reply #9 on: December 15, 2008, 03:23:35 pm »
I camped too, except for one hotel stay in Wells Beach, ME because the campsites there looked insane.. like they tried to fit 100 tenters in 10 square feet!! Wells Beach though is a very popular resort town, unlike most of maine...

As far as campsites, I've had good times at all the campsites that we stayed in, on the route and off the route, many folks would give us a discount, cook us dinner, etc. etc. It was pretty fun.  What you do have to get used to is that a lot of places cater to both the tenters and the RVs, so you'll have to have a certain mindset to camp in your little 1 person hoop tent when everybody around you have huge-ass RVs with the expandable rooms and 50lb 6-person tents and stuff.

You get used to it after awhile! Helps if you're already a backpacker or kayak camper.  I'd recommend the American legion where we stayed at, nice sits, not particularly secluded but the sites were clean and there are hiking trails right at the park which is nice.  

Also, the private campsites will typically have a small general store so if you need any cooking supplies or you don't want to cook at all, you can generally get food there. most public campgrounds were typically just showers and bathrooms.    
