Author Topic: Suggestions about getting in and out the BlueRidge  (Read 7653 times)

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Offline JeeP

Suggestions about getting in and out the BlueRidge
« on: December 30, 2008, 07:48:15 am »
While doing the ACA Atlantic coast, I want to make the Blue Ridge as a fun detour. I found this bike path from Washington to Purcellville. So, I need advice to continue from there to Front Royal.

I also found an itinary along the South Carolina/Georgia line. I need to get from Balsam (near Cherokee) to Highland to take the road 28.

I could "Goggle Earthed" it but I would appreciate the experienced tourer point of view (shoulders, less traffic). Thank you very much for any help you can provide.

Offline dubovsmj

Suggestions about getting in and out the BlueRidge
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2008, 10:35:22 am »
well, be sure to avoid 340...several trips i have done on skyline drive
used that road and there was a great deal of construction taking place
and the shoulder was about as wide as the white line they paint on the
side of the road....there were more trucker traffic than i had thought
would be, especially for a sunday morning, and a good bit of turkey
that was just my experience using THAT road.  you might find better
luck, though it won't be as direct.  not sure if that helps narrow
anythign down for you.  good luck and enjoy sklyline drive....if you are
biking the entire atlantic coast then it is def worth your while, and
effort, to continue on down the entire lenght of blue ridge parkway
until you get to cherokee, nc which is where southern terminous is.


Offline staehpj1

Suggestions about getting in and out the BlueRidge
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2008, 11:50:09 am »
Another option would be to stay on the AC and follow the TA from near Richmond to the BRP.  I remember the road being pretty good there.

You would miss Skyline Drive that way though.

This message was edited by staehpj1 on 12-30-08 @ 8:51 AM

Offline sedges

Suggestions about getting in and out the BlueRidge
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2008, 12:06:06 am »
Note that the border between SC and GA is a river.  There are lots of state parks and Corps of Engineers campgrounds along the way.  Thats the nice thing.  The bad part is that routes parallel to the river cross ALL the tributaries.  Until you reach the coastal plain at Augusta it will up and down and up and down...  The piedmont hills are not real long, but many are steep.  It will be a real work-out.  If you can select a route out of the mountains that follows the top of a watershed divide you will have a flatter run to the coastal plain.

Offline rcrampton

Re: Suggestions about getting in and out the BlueRidge
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2009, 01:49:32 pm »
You're probably well aware of it, but the Blue Ridge Parkway is brutal in elevation gain. It's pretty much always going up or down, which means us cyclists spend all day going up hill. I don't remember the numbers I've read, but it was impressive, something like 50,000 ft of gain. it's a really beautiful road though, and not much traffic during the week.

Given the route you're describing I'm guessing you're not scare of climbing though!