Author Topic: Early adopter  (Read 17827 times)

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Early adopter
« on: October 03, 2003, 03:59:13 pm »
Hi all,

A database developer and volunteer Adventure Cycling member who rides many miles with GPS, I designed the GPS data files, populated them, and wrote the first drafts of how to use them. I would like to hear your comments, questions, and especially suggestions for improving the GPS database.

The web site and how it delivers the files is not my territory, however. Please contact webmaster Paul Adkins at about it.

Happy cycling,

Fred Hiltz

Offline LWB

Early adopter
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2004, 02:56:54 pm »

I just discovered that ACA had the GPS coordinates available.  Thanks for all the work!  We are planning to ride from Ohio to Maine on the Northern Tier this year, and were planning to take our Garmin Etrex Vista (we have MapSource 4.13) along.  We were on a trip last year with someone who was using a GPS unit - we particularly liked knowing the total ascent numbers through the mountains.

The website says we should check back in Spring 2004 for Northern Tier GPS data.  Do you know when that will be available?

Is there anything special we should know about loading the data?  I have uploaded maps from MapSource with no problems, but I have never worked with waypoint files.  I have printed the 7 page pdf file.



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Early adopter
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2004, 11:28:43 am »
Hi Lynn,

Sorry, I don't know the publication date. The folks in the Routes & Mapping department are probably scrambling to get everything out in time for the cycling season. Jennifer Milyko handles the GPS database; she reads this forum and you can write her at .

You will need to download and install the current version 5.4 of MapSource, free from . Version 4 cannot read the files that we wrote with Version 5. After that, the GPS Data User Guide covers it pretty well, I think. (I ought to, since I wrote it, eh?) Write back with questions and suggestions, please, either here or by email. We want to improve that Guide with experience gained this season.

Fred       fhiltz at yahoo dot com

Offline snorms

Early adopter
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2004, 12:21:43 pm »
Hello Fred,
I ride with a Magellan Meridian Gold.  How long before the Magellan GPS format files are available for the Western Express/TransAmerica?  I have already purchased your maps but will feel lost if I can't follow along on my "GPSie".  We will be departing San Francisco May 10th.  Thanks for your response.

Steve Norman


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Early adopter
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2004, 11:29:27 am »
Hi Steve,
The TransAmerica files are on the web site now. I don't know when Western Express will be ready, but I do know that it is a current project in the Routes & Mapping department.

You didn't say what software you use to transfer the waypoints into your GPSR. Any of the products mentioned in the GPS Data User Guide except Garmin MapSource will work with the Meridian.

Magellan's MapSend program has trouble with the GPX format now on the web site. One of our members recently tested it and found what I needed to correct that. He also very graciously wrote up a section for the User Guide about using MapSend. The revised GPX files and User Guide should appear on the web site when the remaining routes' data do.

Fred Hiltz,  fhiltz at yahoo dot com

PS. You are setting off some nice memories here. I started my first XC trip in Berkeley, visited Yosemite and got through Tioga Pass on June 16 while the ground was still frozen, hence campgrounds closed. F