Author Topic: Entering Way Points manually  (Read 11960 times)

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Offline OmahaNeb

Entering Way Points manually
« on: November 03, 2004, 04:58:07 pm »
I am new to using a GPS.  I have a Garmin Etrex.  I am comfortable with using the longitude and latitude from the GPS and finding my exact location on a paper map.  My question is, If I had a set of way points associated with the Great Divide map that point to specific locations on the map.  When I can't find the location of what the commentary says I should be able to find,  could I enter in a way point into the GPS and then let the GPS show me the direction I should be looking for the trail/road etc.

Offline JayH

Entering Way Points manually
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2004, 10:23:14 am »
Yes, if you have the coordinates (The map datum would also be handy (datum meaning the mapping system the coordinate is based on WGS-84, NAD27, etc.) what I normally do is simply make a new waypoint whereever I am and then manually edit the waypoint to the coordinates you have, then you simply chose the "goto" option when you have selected that waypoint.  That will tell you absolute direction to the waypoint. Might not tell you the best route but will most likely be enough to guide you to the destination. Of course, the best plot you will get as far as the arrow is after you are moving for a bit. Turn the GPS off "battery saver" and start moving and the GPS will correct itself. At least that's from my own experience with GPS and hiking.


Offline OmahaNeb

Entering Way Points manually
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2004, 10:59:50 am »
Thanks for the help.  Now my next question....where is the longitude and latitude in the below way point list.  The below text is from the Great Divide, section 3.  I can use the key to know what the first part and last part of each line is, but am I correct in thinking the middle characters are the longitude and latitude coordinates? (eg ,51.161070,-115.559810, )
OziExplorer Route File Version 1.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WGS 84,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Reserved 1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Reserved 2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
W,1,1,15,MPP0M0,51.161070,-115.559810,,70,1,6,,,Banff Springs Hotel (El 4600'),,2
W,1,2,16,MPP0N0,51.116870,-115.521720,,70,1,6,,,Pass bridge over Spray River,,2
W,1,3,17,MPP0P0,51.101870,-115.508280,,70,1,6,,,High point,,2

Offline JayH

Entering Way Points manually
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2004, 01:12:44 pm »
:)  Yes, the middle two numbers in your data are the lat/long

"51.116870,-115.521720".  It is in WGS-84 datum so what you would do is set your Etrex to use the WGS-84 datum and enter the lat/long there.  Depending on the format, you can convert the decimal degrees to Sessagesimal (I know I'm spelling that wrong!, but Sessagesimal is the lat/long you see in degrees-minutes-seconds) either using the GPS itself or this website:

Better yet, do you have a data cable for your Etrex, you should be able to simply upload the waypoint in Oziexplorer directly to your Etrex... (set the datum in your Etrex to WGS-84 first but check the map in Oziexplorer first)

You can find in your manual how to set the Etrex to display and enter lat/long in either the DMS format or the decimal format.

Banff! I love that town although I haven't been there in like 10 years, now I know it's quite popular.


Offline OmahaNeb

Entering Way Points manually
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2004, 04:36:43 pm »
This is perfect.  Thanks a lot.
