Author Topic: CD or Micro SD disk  (Read 13923 times)

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Offline gtofrada

CD or Micro SD disk
« on: July 24, 2006, 05:20:36 am »
A novice didn't find the answers in other discussions so -- Two questions: Own GPSMap60Csx.  Mapsource City provides map of the entire country on either a CD   or a microchip (twice the cost).  Which is the better choice? Why?
Now using the Trips and Waymark Mapsource product that came with GPS.  I can create routes and waymark on the computer but when I attempt to transfer to GPS it does not bring the road network, only the other symbols.  Brings the layers but not the background.  How do I get the map with roads?



  • Guest
CD or Micro SD disk
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2006, 08:09:12 am »
Hi Doug,

I prefer the CD because from a PC you can load maps into any number of GPS receivers using the MapSource program that comes on the CD. Most CDs come with unlock codes for two receivers; you can buy more. Run MapSource and build the largest set of maps that you think you will want to load into the receiver at once. Buy a memory chip to fit.

The preloaded microchip is convenient, though, for quick stand-alone use of the receiver.

Whichever medium you buy, be sure to put a backup copy in a safe place.

Garmin updates MapSource frequently. After you load it from the CD, Help > Check for Updates.


Offline gtofrada

CD or Micro SD disk
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2006, 08:23:01 am »
Fred,  Thanks for your response.  Second part: when I identify waypoints and a route on computer and then attempt to select that part of the map to transfer the information from the computer to the GPS only the waypoints and route are transferred.  The Mapsource data, roads, doesn't transfer.  I select and it makes a change to the data.  I attempt to put a map box around my route and waypoint input but that box doesn't highlight the material and only my overlay data is transferred -- the base map is not. How do I correct this?  Do not want to buy another mapsource product for Europe because I will only be here another 3 months.  

The question concerning CD or Disk is for trips in America when I return.



  • Guest
CD or Micro SD disk
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2006, 08:28:45 am »
Right. The Trip and Waypoint Manager program that comes with your receiver does what its name implies: creates and loads routes and waypoints. To transfer maps, use the MapSource program included on every CD and DVD map set sold by Garmin. T&WM is actually a subset of MapSource. Once you have installed MapSource, you will not need T&WM.

My 60CS owner's manual contains a one-page appendix that introduces MapSource. Look for one in your 60CSx manual. Extensive help comes with the program as well. Be sure to update it as I mentioned above.


Offline gtofrada

CD or Micro SD disk
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2006, 01:44:47 pm »

Since I have only purchased the GPS itself,  I guess I am without a map until I buy a Mapsource product.  Won't buy a Europe map since I will only be here a short while longer.  You seem to have multiple GPS tools; I only expect to have the one.  Might as well go for the card and always have the US map so I won't need to worry about the loading of selected parts of the map.  I see there are lots of tips associated with loading the limit of 1000 waypoints for a x-country trip.  Once I rtn stateside and buy the US map I can begin selecting the route and waypoints.  Thanks,


Offline gtofrada

CD or Micro SD disk
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2006, 10:48:35 am »
If I buy the Micro SD does it download to the PC?  Still researching so I don't have any literature associated with the product.  I "assume" I can place the SD disk/card into a card reader and download the mapping material to the computer where I can then overlay the map with the routes and waypoints.  Is this correct?



  • Guest
CD or Micro SD disk
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2006, 07:46:22 am »
I don't know whether that is correct. Does anyone here own one of these Micro SD map cards? A good place to ask if no one speaks up here is the sci.geo.satellite-nav newsgroup. Garmin's customer support may be worth a try, also. Comments on the newsgroup indicate that you might get a knowledgeable contact there, but you might get a clueless one.
