Author Topic: GPS Waypoints  (Read 12445 times)

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GPS Waypoints
« on: January 24, 2007, 10:54:42 pm »
I am an experienced GPS user but with the older, simpler models.
I just bought a Garmin 60CSX and City Navigator.  I put a 2 gigabyte memory card in it.  I am going to also use it for sailing and hunting.
I have now downloaded the state for my TransAmerica trip and right now don't have a clue how to put the waypoints from the ACA site into my computer.  Any help would be appreciated.

Also this model hods 1000 waypoints but somehow I suspect that is only 1/2 of what I'll get from ACA.  Should I try to cull the waypoints down to 1000 or should I read some of the other topics to get my other options.

Thanks in advance.


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GPS Waypoints
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2007, 08:40:30 am »
Hi Jim,

It's pretty simple. At home, open the downloaded .MPS file of waypoints in the MapSource program that comes on the City Navigator DVD. Select the routes and waypoints that you want, then load them into the GPSR with the MapSource Transfer menu.

If you bought the CN maps pre-loaded on the card and do not have MapSource, then use the on-road method at home.

On the road, MapSource is probably too big for those of us who do not carry a laptop on the bike . The ACA download also includes the routes and waypoints in the .GPX format, which a lightweight program like the free G7ToWin can transfer to your GPSR. Because G7ToWin runs nicely from a CD, you can burn it and the data on a disk, take it and your USB cable into a computer shop or the home of a friendly cyclist, and reload en route.

Download the GPS Data User Guide from ACA at for much more detail about the data sets and how to deal with them.

You are right that 1000 waypoints is not enough to get across the country. Browse here, especially the thread "GPS with complete southern tier waypoints" starting last June 26, for ways to cope with that limit.



  • Guest
GPS Waypoints
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2007, 10:51:24 am »
Thank You Fred

As i was reading the other thread another question arose.  I also have TOPO and room to install it for all states.  Do you suggest I install it?  I still haven't figured out how City navigator interacts with TOPO or Blue Charts.  In other words if I am at a marina in Miami will City Navigator be working or Blue Charts?


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GPS Waypoints
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2007, 07:55:30 am »
I enjoy using Topo in the mountains and regularly load it in addition to the road map. Although it does not do automatic routing, you can build a route on the road map, switch to Topo, and see the route with Topo's contour lines, summits, creeks, and such points of interest. When riding with others, I have to remind myself not to keep saying how much climb is left on this *&#^%% mountain.

The maps do not interact. You can see only one set at a time, selected on the map menu.



  • Guest
GPS Waypoints
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2007, 06:32:55 pm »
Hi Fred

My son and I have been trying to figure this out.  We have downloaded the ACA waypoints onto the desktop and then unzipped them.  We have then tried to open them in Mapsource and they are blank.

Do you know what might be the problem?


  • Guest
GPS Waypoints
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2007, 08:40:07 am »
It is hard to tell from what you write, Jim. When you unzip one of the downloaded files, you should see four files for each map section. The TransAmerica route, for example, contains TA01V003.mps, TA01v003.gpx, TA01v003.rte, and TA01v003.wpt, covering the first map section of the route. They contain the same data in formats for different programs.

Please download the GPS Data User Guide, which says more about this.

The blank that you see might be a part of the world far from the waypoints. When you open TA01V003.mps in MapSource, click on the Waypoints tab in the left pane. Select one of the waypoints and choose the menu View > Show Selected Waypoint on Map.

If the waypoint still does not appear, then I need much more detail about what you are doing. Email me if you prefer to go off line. Address in my profile.
