Author Topic: ASA routes and turn-by-turn directions  (Read 14293 times)

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Offline gflewis

ASA routes and turn-by-turn directions
« on: September 05, 2007, 01:23:11 pm »
I'm using a Garmin Legend CX with City Navigator maps. I have installed MapSource on my PC and downloaded the Atlanta Coast GPS data. I've have read the "GPS User Guide" from the Adventure Cycling site, however I still have a few questions with the fundamentals of using the Garmin routing software and the predefined ACA routes.

I assume that a route and turn-by-turn directions are two completely different things? A route in MapSource simply connects waypoints and turn-by-turn directions always follow roads?

If I want turn use the turn-by-turn capability of the GPS - is there a way to tell the GPS to follow the predefined ACA route rather than selecting a waypoint up ahead and having the GPS calculate the directions to the next waypoint - which may or may not follow my intended route?

Using the GPS User Guide, I understand how to import the waypoints and routes and how to build my own set to upload to the GPS. Can someone explain how it is used during an actual ride?  Do most rider have the Atlantic Coast Route displayed on their GPS then use the built in turn-by-turn capability to make the GPS create directions that follow that route? Do you select the next closest waypoint and select "go to" ?

Thanks for the help

This message was edited by gflewis on 9-5-07 @ 9:28 AM

Offline ptaylor

ASA routes and turn-by-turn directions
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2007, 08:24:48 pm »
Good questions GF.

You may want to take a look at an article   I wrote last year that discusses some of your concerns. My GPS unit is similar to yours.

Be sure to practice at home before you go. Make a couple of routes on MapSource, download them to your CX, and try them out.

It looks like you have done your homework, now it's time to enjoy your unit. Be sure to get back to us with more questions, someone will be happy to help.



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ASA routes and turn-by-turn directions
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2007, 08:17:59 am »
is there a way to tell the GPS to follow the predefined ACA route rather than selecting a waypoint up ahead and having the GPS calculate the directions to the next waypoint - which may or may not follow my intended route?

Hi Gregg,

That's the only point that might need amplification beyond Paul's excellent article. The answer is yes. Start by setting waypoints for the start and end of the day's ride (or getting them from the ACA database). Add waypoints for points of interest that you want to mark along the way and build a route.

Examine the route that the GPSR generates. Chances are, it will not choose the roads you want, so insert  waypoints on those roads into the route. I'd guess that my average one-day route needs about two such "helper" waypoints.

Some units that are sold for automotive use do not accept intermediate waypoints (vias). Be sure the unit you buy can handle them.


Offline gflewis

ASA routes and turn-by-turn directions
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2007, 09:53:57 pm »
I have created a route which follows highways through a series of waypoints. Is there a way to select a waypoint and create another waypoint that is xx miles from the selected waypoint along the created route?



  • Guest
ASA routes and turn-by-turn directions
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2007, 08:02:35 am »
Not automatically, but doing it by trial and error is easy. Add a waypoint at your best guess of the distance, insert it into the route, check it on the route directions screen, and move it as needed. I have done this occasionally, both on the PC and on the GPSR itself.


Offline gflewis

ASA routes and turn-by-turn directions
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2007, 08:30:53 pm »
Thanks for all of the great advice, everyone has been very helpful.

A few more questions, I created 5 routes using ASA waypoints in Mapsource. I uploaded the routes and waypoints to my legend cx. When I look at the routes, the name appears, however 3 routes are missing the waypoints that associated with them in mapsource (a route with no points). What up with this?

Is there a way to delete all the waypoints in the gps without individually selecting each and deleting?


Offline gflewis

ASA routes and turn-by-turn directions
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2007, 08:58:07 pm »
I think I found the problem. Once I deleted all routes and waypoints then reloaded everything from mapsource, it seemed to work correctly. What are the max number of routes, waypoints and waypoints within a route?



  • Guest
ASA routes and turn-by-turn directions
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2007, 08:40:29 am »
You might find the numbers on a specifications page in your owner's manual. I could not find a collected set in my 60CS manual, but they are scattered around.

The Specs tab on gives most of these numbers.


Offline ptaylor

ASA routes and turn-by-turn directions
« Reply #8 on: October 02, 2007, 05:10:58 pm »

My unit, older than yours and now discontinued, was limited to 1,000 waypoints and 50 routes. I would think yours would equal or exceed these specs. I'm not aware of any limitation on the number of waypoints per route, except of course, 1,000.

I took a quick look at Fred's link, and saw some, but not all, of the numbers you are seeking. Garmin does not seem to make this information obvious - probably none of the Garmin managers are bicycle tourist, and don't know how important these facts are.

It sounds like you are getting a good start on making the most of your unit. I continue to wish you the best.
