Author Topic: Any suggestions on which bike is best for ....  (Read 20876 times)

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Offline Lu

Any suggestions on which bike is best for ....
« on: October 06, 2003, 07:44:01 pm »

I am returning to cycling and want to purchase a bike which I can use for commuting, some weekend offroading and hopefully next summer, some touring.  

Any ideas from your experiences as to which bike would be a good one??  I am hoping for something in the price range of 1k or less.  The most current magazine listed the REI safari but wanted to hear from you all.

If anyone's out there, pls respond.


Offline ATSFfan

Any suggestions on which bike is best for ....
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2003, 11:26:28 pm »
Although I'm not familiar with specific bikes available, part of your decision should be what type of touring you're going to do. Road touring, MTB tours; short (30-40 miles/day), longer (40-70 miles/day); fully loaded (panniers-self supported), lightly loaded (motels, restaurants). Find a bike shop that has an employee that either tours or is knowledgeable about touring. REI may have an employee that has toured, but be wary if all they try to do is sell you a bike & accessories.


Offline Lu

Any suggestions on which bike is best for ....
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2003, 01:20:24 am »
Thanks for replying.  Didn't think about tour length.  I know I like going long distances and will probably camp with some hotels.

Mostly, I think I'll be commuting and weekend mountain biking.

Thanks again.

Offline pmspirito

Any suggestions on which bike is best for ....
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2003, 02:02:46 am »
I love my recumbent.  It is sure comfort for the long haul. Not worth a hoot off road.  

best wishes from the back of the pack,  Peter & Judy Spirito

Offline Lu

Any suggestions on which bike is best for ....
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2003, 06:47:44 am »

I plan on hitting the stores this week and talking with employees there; after searching the net on some different bikes I think I am going to go for something I can use for commuting and mt biking; when I tour I'll rent one or borrow one perhaps...that is if what I end up getting isn't worth modifing for a touring trip. I use to mtn bike the trails riding for 3 day weekends from mtn to desert and want to start that up again so I think I have a bit more research ahead of me.  

And pmspirito, thanks for getting back to me as well.  I see the recumbents on the road, they look cool but just not for me, I like to play a little rough in the dirt, thanks for the info though :o).


Offline perkinsovich

Any suggestions on which bike is best for ....
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2003, 05:50:49 pm »
I have a Rans V-Rex, but I bought a Trek 5200 because the 'bent couldn't seem to climb hills very well.  I know - don't blame the bike, blame the motor!  But the 5200 seems to climb just fine with the same motor.  What's your experience?

And, do you use your 'bent for touring?  If so, do you carry panniers, and if so, care to say what kind?


randy perkins
northfield mn

This message was edited by Webmaster on 10-27-03 @ 1:00 PM
randy perkins
northfield mn

Offline biker_james

Any suggestions on which bike is best for ....
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2003, 11:41:10 am »
Lots of people are out touring on Mountain bikes, so there's no reason you can't. I'm sure you can find info at Adventure Cycling on choosing a good MTB. I think the only thing you need to worry about is the trailer vs pannier issue. I think the BOB trailers will hook to nearly any bike, but panniers may not, depending on whether you have rear suspension, or on chainstay length. If going with panniers try to get a bike with eyelets for the rack. There are a lot of companies making good quality, suitable for touring MTB's. Up here (canada) we think pretty highly of Norco, Rocky Mountain, and Kona. Not that there aren't a lot of Cannondale, Trek , Giant etc... around also. The advice you'll get from bike shops about touring will vary in quality from useless to phenomenally helpful and informative. I would also take time-a lot of shops are happy to sell you what they have instead of what you need if they know you're in a rush.

Offline Donna

Any suggestions on which bike is best for ....
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2004, 05:38:28 am »
There are a lot of really goood bikes available. I would suggest a mountain bike as you can do anything on it including road touring by changing the size and kind of tire you are running.  I would suggest shopping at a good bike store and or checking out bicycling magazine and mountain biking magazines for reviews. For your price range you are probably looking at a good hardtail with lx components and 24 speed. Also try for at least mechanical disc brakes and a decent front shock.  If you have a little more $ I would suggest a dual suspension (all mountain bike-they are kind of a new breed this year -Devinci makes a couple of really good ones)- also you can get racks to put panniers on suspension frames

Great Cycling Donna
Great Cycling Donna

Offline rootchopper

Any suggestions on which bike is best for ....
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2004, 02:07:45 pm »
Whether you buy a mountain bike, a traditional touring bike, a hybrid, or a recumbent, my advice to you is to find a bike that fits you.  You are going to spend a whole lot of time riding this machine and there is no sense in being uncomfortable while you are doing it.  

Ride before you buy.  Any good bike shop including REI will let you do this.

I commute most days by bike in DC and I use either a Tour Easy recumbent or an old Specialized Sequoia Touring bike.  My quess is that recumbents will generally be out of your price range.  I love mine and wouldn't thhink of touring without it unless I was going off road most of the way.

You should also consider a few essentials such as braze ons for attaching essentials (racks, fenders for and aft,and water bottle cages).  A wide range of gearing is a must.  Then you need to think about all the stuff you will be attaching and carrying.  A lock, pumps, basic tools, panniers, etc.    

But more than anything, fit is important even if it means spending a few dollars more.  Many years ago I went shopping to replace my trusty old Raleigh Grand Prix 10 speed.  As I test rode the lower end chromoly road bikes, my wife took the sales clerk aside and said "Sell him a better bike."  I ended up spending about 30 percent more than I planned for an alluminum Trek 1200. I rode it for about 10 years and never regretted the extra expense.  (I sold it to a freind who is still using it 5 years later.) So if you really plan to ride a lot (and it sounds like you do) a nicer bike will be worth it in the long run.

Good luck.  

Offline Cephas

Any suggestions on which bike is best for ....
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2004, 11:49:48 pm »
Commuting, offroading, touring, plus a couple of 200k & 300k brevets - I do it all on my Thorn Nomad. Its billed as a "Fast multi-use touring bike".  Very comfy, very versatile. The 26" wheels will take anything from narrow road tires to chunky knobbies, depending on what you want to do.
Check out the Thorn line at
If the Nomad is out of your price range, look at the Sherpa. Very nice bikes.

Want to talk to some Thorn owners? Try their forum at

Offline CraigJohnston

Any suggestions on which bike is best for ....
« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2004, 09:57:01 pm »
I commute to work by bicycle, and am happy with my 2002 Cannondale Adventure 700 hybrid.  That said, if I had to do it over again, I would purchase a Jamis Coda (either the Elite or Comp) "street" bicycle.  These are steel bikes that weigh around 23 lbs., but have very well thought out componentry.  Their gearing is mountain-bike (XT rear derailer, 11-34 rear cog) and they use 700 cc wheels - great combo for touring.  The flat handlebar and Shimano rapid-fire shifting is just like my Cannondale.  I purchased a Jamis road bike last Spring and have never looked back.  They're a great, and I think sometimes overlooked company.  FYI: I use the commuter pantier available from Jandd ( that I think is one of the most clever, useful piece of cycling equipment I own.  I hope this helps you.
Welcome back to cycling!

Offline LizzieW71

Re: Any suggestions on which bike is best for ....
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2016, 08:48:29 am »
I commute to work by bicycle, and am happy with my 2002 Cannondale Adventure 700 hybrid.  That said, if I had to do it over again, I would purchase a Jamis Coda (either the Elite or Comp) "street" bicycle.  These are steel bikes that weigh around 23 lbs., but have very well thought out componentry.  Their gearing is mountain-bike (XT rear derailer, 11-34 rear cog) and they use 700 cc wheels - great combo for touring.  The flat handlebar and Shimano rapid-fire shifting is just like my Cannondale.  I purchased a Jamis road bike last Spring and have never looked back.  They're a great, and I think sometimes overlooked company.  FYI: I use the commuter pantier available from Jandd ( that I think is one of the most clever, useful piece of cycling equipment I own.  I hope this helps you.
Welcome back to cycling!

Hi! I ride a Jamis Coda Elite and love it (I've had Specialized, Fuji, and Huffy). I am looking to make some changes to my Coda Elite for long distance touring, such as the loop H-Bar or the hornbar. But what I'd love to hear from others who ride Jamis Coda bikes, have you made modifications or have recommendations?

Offline John Nelson

Re: Any suggestions on which bike is best for ....
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2016, 01:12:39 pm »
Lots of compromises are needed. Which way you bias those compromises depends on the proportion of each type of use. Do you commute 3 miles each way or 30 miles each way.