Author Topic: Wraparound Prescription Sunglasses  (Read 24115 times)

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Offline gingerloop

Wraparound Prescription Sunglasses
« on: October 28, 2003, 04:19:56 pm »
I wear prescription glasses and was hoping to find a pair of wraparound frames that I can take to an optometrist to have prescription lenses put in.  Anyone have any suggestions?  And I already know about the glasses that you put over your glasses, that's not very appealing.  Thanks in advance....

Devin Holmes

Offline rohickman

Wraparound Prescription Sunglasses
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2003, 03:17:09 am »
I have a pair of Bolle Parole glasses which have an RX insert and they work just fine.  Nice this is that you can change lens colors too.  I think I got them through Performance Bike.

Offline gingerloop

Wraparound Prescription Sunglasses
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2003, 03:40:21 am »
Very nice suggestion, I'll have to take a look, they have a store here in Sacramento.  Thanks much!

Devin Holmes

Offline earlwooten

Wraparound Prescription Sunglasses
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2003, 10:24:50 pm »
If you wear bifocals or graduated lenses, about the only style I've found are Rudy Project Kerosenes.  I've had them for two years with Nikon/Accuview lens inserts and they work great.  The wrap lenses are a lot better than conventional prescription sunglasses for riding.

Offline DaveB

Wraparound Prescription Sunglasses
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2004, 10:32:02 am »
This message may be a bit late to do you any good but I have some thoughts on this subject.  I've worn glasses since I was 10 years old and been riding for 18 years so I've got some experience with this.

Prescription inserts for the various "boutique" sports glasses have gotten mixed reviews. Some riders like them.  Others find that with four surfaces to keep clean, the extra weight, fogging tendency and great expense for the combination, they aren't worth the trouble.

I've always ridden using my regular prescription glasses and sunglasses but have discovered one factor in frame design that makes a big difference. The bridge must be "closed" to prevent air leakage and protect your eyes adequately.  Frames with nose pads don't work well but a universal bridge makes a world of difference.

Offline trevay

Wraparound Prescription Sunglasses
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2004, 01:59:43 pm »
Like Day Tripper, I've been wearing eyeglasses since I was a tyke.  I'm at the point where wearing prescription lenses costs a fair amount of cash, since I wear graduated lenses, aka "bifocals without lines."  I also have a high prescription, so I buy very expensive, but thin and light lenses so that I don't look like I'm wearing Coke bottles.  It's a drag, but when you have to wear specs all the time, you deal.

I tried to play it cheaper and get a sturdy pair of aviator-style prescription sunglasses to cycle in without the very expensive lenses, but those really did look like bottles on my face.  I finally bought a pair of Bolle Vigilante glasses for about $30 from either Nashbar or Performance (don't remember, but they're the same company now), and I got the insert as well.  I had a single vision lightweight, but not super-thin plastic lens installed by my optician, and I use them all the time.  The total cost for the sunglasses with inserts and lenses was about $180, about $50 - $75 more than my ordinary prescription sunglasses.

The good things:
*  they help my peripheral vision by blocking glare from the edges
*  the sunglasses themselves were relatively cheap, enough so that I bought a second pair to have as a backup.  (I follow Grant Peterson's philosophy that says, if you find something you really like, buy a lifetime supply.)
*  they don't fog much worse than my aviators did.  I know this, because I just now rode to work in 17 degree weather.

The bad things:
*  they're too wide for my skinny face.  I would have been better off buying the narrower Parole glasses that use the same insert.  It looks like I'm preparing to go into a radiation zone when I put them on.
*  the case that comes with the glasses isn't sealed from the elements.  That's not good if you're not real picky about the way you throw things into your pannier -- you want something that will keep your glasses from scratching if your Cheerios spill all over your bag.  So I paid another $20 to buy a zipper-closing case and cleaning liquid and cloth from Sunglass Hut to put them in.

I don't have any problem keeping them clean, but I'm persnickity about keeping my glasses clean anyway.

Another thing that works for me is to have a supply of one-day contact lenses that you use for cycling.  You can then wear any sunglasses you like.  I don't do this for commuting to work since I can't see up close as well with contacts as with my progressive lenses, but riding with ordinary sunglasses is great.  So I also picked up a pair of Coyote lenses from Nashbar for about $20 on sale.  (Our Adventure Cycling friends want $50 for 'em, hmmmm.)

Good luck to you.
