Author Topic: Sun protective clothing  (Read 17567 times)

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Offline Ava

Sun protective clothing
« on: July 01, 2004, 08:58:03 pm »
I have not had any luck locating lightweight light-colored cycling tights (or lightweight tights that I can wear over my cycling shorts). When I cycle all day long in the sun in high temperatures I need better protection than sunscreen can provide. It seems like all the cycling tights I find are of a thicker fabric intended for cold weather, and they're all black (not good in the sun!). Does anyone know where to find tights that can be worn in hot weather?

Offline pmspirito

Sun protective clothing
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2004, 04:32:40 am »
There is a product line of clothing called Solumbra.  There clothing has an SPF rating of 30 plus. Judy and I just placed and order, heat to toe.  It was recommended by Judy's dermaltologist and I work with a fella that has used it for years.  Search the web and it will turn up.

best wishes from the back of the pack,  Peter & Judy Spirito

Offline Ava

Sun protective clothing
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2004, 01:40:42 pm »
Yes, I recently ordered some Solumbra items and they are great. The tops are great for cycling. The pants, tho, are not that good for cycling because they aren't stretchy and aren't close fitting. I inquired with the Solumbra folks and they don't have cycling tights and had nothing to recommend. THanks for senidng the suggestion. I think you'll really like their athletic and cycling shirts. They are well made and have great ventilation.

Offline TwoWheeledExplorer

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Sun protective clothing
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2004, 12:36:29 pm »
I just spent five days on my bike in the backcountry of northern Minnesota (mid-July) and constantly found myself wishing I had brought a long sleeved shirt, both for (or against) the famous Minnesota insects, and the sun. I have found that REI's "expedition" sytle clothing are breathable, the pants have zip-off legs so you can wear the just shorts riding, (REI also sells Andiamo undershorts with bike padding) and they are rated at 50 SPF. That's better than sunblock, and not as greasy!

Hans Erdman, WEMT
Backcountry Trail Patrol
2WX: The Two-Wheeled Explorer
"St. Louis to the Western Sea if nothing prevents."--John Ordway, Corps of Discovery

Offline DrScience

Sun protective clothing
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2004, 11:49:28 pm »

go to good-will and buy a 50 cent cotton long sleeve dress shirt.  i rode across country this summer and that's all i used.  it's thin enough that it dries fast, it keeps bugs off, it's cool, it blocks sun.  you look like an idiot, but then again tights aren't much cooler.

Offline pmspirito

Sun protective clothing
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2004, 02:21:11 am »
Judy and I are wearing our Solumbra outfits.  they do keep you cool. We both recomend it.

best wishes from the back of the pack,  Peter & Judy Spirito

Offline janetanorth

Sun protective clothing
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2004, 12:31:20 pm »
would the railriders eco-mesh pants work for you? you could get them tailored to be less flappy.
we cycled in the weatherpants with no problem.