Author Topic: 1980's japanese touring frames  (Read 13850 times)

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Offline fergus4

1980's japanese touring frames
« on: July 20, 2004, 04:05:19 pm »
Hi, has anyone had any experience with 1980's or earlier japanese touring bikes/frames (Fuji, Miyata, Nishiki, etc.)? I've got Deore and Xt drivetrain parts and 700c Mavic wheels to put together a bike and wanted to get a compatible touring frame without breaking the bank.  Has anyone any opinions on one model/make over the other?  Strengths?  Weaknesses? Problems? Or if anyone has one to sell, (A 20 or 21 inch frame, I'm 5'9"/ 32 inch inseam.) please let me know.



Offline OmahaNeb

1980's japanese touring frames
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2004, 06:17:54 pm »
The new bike frames take a wider rear hub than the older bike frames.  You may have issues transferring your older bike parts (brakes, rear hub etc.) to a newer frame.


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1980's japanese touring frames
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2004, 10:57:59 am »
My Miyata 700GT has served me well through years of commuting and loaded touring. Its oversized down tube, unusual at the time, makes it stiff laterally but comfortable on the bumps (admittedly influenced by the tires as well).

Pluses: Plenty of fork clearance for big tires and fenders. Braze-ons for three bottles, front and rear racks, tire pump, and fender stays (the only clamp on my bike is the computer's). Minuses: front rack braze-on spacing is not the "Blackburn standard." I had to bend my Blackburn low riders a bit to fit.

And the rear dropout spacing that Omaha mentioned. Steel frames can be spread to fit, which is best done at a bike shop with some experience and the big lever tool that aligns the dropouts afterward. Dropouts that are not parallel invite broken axles.
