I have a Topeak Alien RX that has a bunch of tools and a pocket knife on it. I would say that it's pretty good, except don't get the RX, the metal (magnesium) is very soft and the tool isn't as durable as I'd like it. However, I think the plain Alien is slightly heavier (I don't know why I bought it, I'm not really a gram counter) but has the same tools.
Cons: Some of the hex drives aren't separate tools, i.e. the 6mm hex tool is simply a little bit that fits on top of the 4mm hex tool. So if you're talking world expedition, there is a possibility of losing it which would be bad! I lost one but Topeak is a pretty good company, their CS is nice and they simply sent me a whole new tool under warantee after I sent them my old one.
Plus, I still use my tire levers from my Park tool which I prefer over the little knife like ones in the Topeak.
So, I guess I'll concur that no tool is the best, at least none that I've found so you kind of pick one that has the most functions and simply add to them. The Topeak one is nifty in a bit that it does pack a lot of tools in a small package, even spoke wrenches are there, although if you had to do any major trueing, it would be a PITA to have to use that so you have to do some tradeoffs and see if it's worth it to you. You should also try them before you are stuck miles and miles from home, try it out on your bike to see if things fit, things work, and you are comfy with it.