Author Topic: Nashbar waterproof panniers?  (Read 13739 times)

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Offline lisssa

Nashbar waterproof panniers?
« on: April 18, 2005, 11:51:28 pm »
Has anybody had any experience with nashbar waterproof panniers. Is
it worth paying less with these?

Offline Dan

Nashbar waterproof panniers?
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2005, 04:51:03 am »
Not Good!  My riding partner for the Great Divide Mt. Bike route this past summer had the front and rear nashbar waterproof bags.  They were constant trouble to us and took away from our riding time. Some of the problems will be detailed below. Attachment system--At least once daily they would become airborne on rough descents...yes, they would pop completely off the bike rack and go flying.  This wasn't good for the outside material of the panniers or the contents inside.  If they wouldn't fly completely off the rack, one of the attaching hooks would come off while the other remained which made for a dangerous situation as one part of the pannier was close to the spokes.  At one point of frustration in NM (very rough roads) we actually got out the roll of duct tape and taped each pannier to the rack.  All of the carrying straps/handles ripped off by the end of the trip.  The rivits holding the top hooks onto the panniers broke off after 2,000 miles but for a few bucks at a hardware store for bolds and nuts they were able to be fixed.  The waterproofness was fine as the material is completely waterproof.  They would slide forward or backward while on the rack.  The main problems are in the attachments system.  I think they would be fine for road touring but not so for off road touring as the metal hooks and bungie cord don't keep them in place.   I used the ortlieb panniers and nothing broke, they didn't slide around, they never came off while riding and nothing ever got wet.  I highly recommend them as they will last many tens of thousands of miles of touring.  In the long run, you will same money and time with the ortliebs.

Offline RussellSeaton

Nashbar waterproof panniers?
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2005, 02:40:50 pm »
I can't speak to the waterproof Nashbar mountain panniers, but I can speak about the regular cordura Nashbar mountain bike panniers.  The ones for about $35 a pair now.  I bought two pair back in spring 1992.  Used them for 4000 miles riding around Europe in the summer of 1992.  Used them for several weeks and a few thousand miles in a few tours since then.  No real complaints.  I did have to pay about $50 a pair back in 1992.  My blue panniers still look very nice today.  Mine were made in Pennsylvania.  I think Cannondale made them for Nashbar at the time.  The current models are made in Thailand or Indonesia.  I bought some new ones recently for my Aunt to use riding around town.

The mounting system is a simple pair of hooks on top and a bungee cord on bottom.  For road riding its fine.  I do not recommend it for off road riding.  But I don't ride off road so that does not make any difference to me.  The hooks on my panniers have stayed on fine.  I think I undid them and used Loctite originally.  I also shortened the hook on the bungee cord at the bottom by wrapping it tighter.  My handles on top have stayed attached just fine.  I do not use them to pull the panniers off the bike.  I grab the panniers to pull them off the bike and use the top handles for carrying only.  My panniers seem to settle into a spot on the racks and stay there.  I've never noticed them moving about or if they did it did not affect me.

In 1992 I did not have much money so spending even $100 on a pair of Nashbar panniers was something to think about.  I'm glad Nashbar made good panniers for a fairly low cost that allowed me to go touring.  And it reinforced the point you don't have to spend much money to tour by bicycle and enjoy yourself.

Offline lisssa

Nashbar waterproof panniers?
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2005, 01:29:47 am »
Thanks for the warning. I imagine there are so few things that can be
relied on with the great divide. Might as well get the gear somewhat

Offline pmspirito

Nashbar waterproof panniers?
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2005, 02:18:36 am »
I have had great results with my Nashbar rolltop waterproof panniers.  I ride an Easy Racer SC-1 and use the small pair under the seat and the large pair on the rear rack.  I have ridden in some miserable rain storms and everything stays DRY.  I am very satisfied.  Never had them fall off either.

best wishes from the back of the pack,  Peter & Judy Spirito
best wishes from the back of the pack,  Peter & Judy Spirito