Author Topic: Trek 520 v Cannondale T2000  (Read 30250 times)

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Offline trspthelicopter

Trek 520 v Cannondale T2000
« on: April 10, 2006, 09:58:28 pm »
I'd like to get into touring and am really enjoying this site.  Does anyone have any thoughts about the Trek 520 or Cannondale T2000?  I currently ride a Cannondale R500 which is nice, but admittedly a little harsh.  Thanks for your help.

Offline Badger

Trek 520 v Cannondale T2000
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2006, 11:50:02 pm »
I have ridden my t2000 for the last five years and have found it the most comfortable bike I have ridden. I don't care for bar end shifters and that is the reason I did not go with the Trek.  One of the drawbacks however is foot and front wheel clearance at just the right angle they can touch.  This has never caused me any problems.  I would buy another t2000 if something happened to one I have now.  I believe both are good bikes so what ever one you decide you won't be sorry.

Offline RussellSeaton

Trek 520 v Cannondale T2000
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2006, 06:17:43 pm »
Trek 520 and Cannondale T800 are more comparable due to price.  $1200 Trek 520.  $1300 T800.  $1600 T2000.

Parts are comparable enough between the 520 and T800 except for the shifters.  Some prefer the reliability of bar end shifters.  If you want the STI shifters, the difference in price would pay for the change.  Only other noteworthy difference is the cranksets.  Cannondale is using a mountain bike style crank.  Trek a road style.  Easier to find replacement rings in any size for the Trek.  Probably not a big deal for most unless you are trying to get half step gearing.  Just make the shop put the smallest inner chainring possible on the triple crankset before you take it out the door.  24 tooth for the Trek 520.  22 tooth for the Cannondale bikes.  And ask the shopp to swap out the 11-32 cassette for a 12-34 or 11-34 on the Trek 520.  Cannondale comes with a 11-34 cassette.

I rode a 1991 Trek 520 for many thousands of loaded touring miles.  It works just fine.  Except I bought a frame size too small and eventually replaced the frame with a better fitting Redline frame.  And replaced almost every other component over the years.  Only original parts are the bar end shifters, rear wheel, and crank arms.

Offline bike_california

Trek 520 v Cannondale T2000
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2006, 01:28:45 am »
Why just look at Trek and Cannondale? I highly recommend my Surly Long Haul Trucker for a couple reasons...#1, you buy the frame and put on the parts you want. The frame is reasonably priced at about $350 or 400. It can be built up basic for about $1200, or you can do what I did and went for Ultegra STI, Tubus Racks and Shimano pedals for about $1700. #2, It's a bombproof setup, rides great, very stable and designed for touring.

I considered the Trek, but did not want to go with the parts supplied with it.

Get out of the car and onto the bike!
Get out of the car and onto the bike!

Offline Badger

Trek 520 v Cannondale T2000
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2006, 02:06:00 am »
I'm glad you wrote about the Surly I have been thinking about getting a frame and building one up.  The only drawback was in my size only having the 26" wheels but maybe that is not really an issue.

Offline dknapp

Trek 520 v Cannondale T2000
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2006, 12:08:23 pm »
I looked at all the above bikes including the Burley and Surley, etc.  Finally got the REI/Novarra Randonee for about $750 because I used the REI membership %20 sale.  Normal price is $950, with rack.  Just put 35 miles on it this morning and have 250 since purchase in early March.  Other than ugly color, the 2006 model has the good gearing, STI shifters, etc.  Check it out.  Bike value of the year for Bicycling magazine.  Figured I could use the price diff to equip it with extras, but have not found need for much.

Offline RussellSeaton

Trek 520 v Cannondale T2000
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2006, 07:20:49 pm »
"Why just look at Trek and Cannondale?"

Probably because anyone new to bicycling or touring is not comfortable building up a complete bicycle themselves.  You do have to know what to buy.  Front derailleur clamp size.  BB width, 68 or 70.  English or Italian threading.  Stem clamp size 1" or 1.125".  Stem bar clamp size, 26.0 or 25.4.  700 or 26" wheels.  Complete wheels or build them yourself from hubs and spokes.  Seatpost size, 27.2 or 31.6 or ????.  Long, medium or short cage rear derailleur.  Double or triple front derailleur.  Whaat chain length.  What length of cables.  V brakes or cantilever.  Do your brake levers match the brake style.  No V brakes with STI unless you also get the Travel Agents adaptor thing.  If bar ends then you need the adaptor with V brakes or the Dia Compe 287V levers.

Lots of decisions someone who is not already very experienced with bicycle mechanics would not have any way to answer.  And if you buy the parts directly through a shop and have them install the parts, your cost is much, much more than a Trek 520 or Cannondale T800.  And if you buy the parts cheap through mail order, eBay, etc. and pay a shop to install them, you are still much higher in cost.

If I had to buy a 700C wheeled loaded touring bike, I would definitely go with the Surly Long Haul Trucker.  But I already have a 700C loaded touring bike.  And my next loaded touring bike will have 26" mountain bike sized wheels.  But the only mechanical work I do not do on my bikes is where frame tapping, facing is involved or if I do not have the tool and can't see the cost justification to buy it.

Offline TheDaltonBoys

Trek 520 v Cannondale T2000
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2006, 10:52:41 am »
trspthelicopter - 47D, 53E? When you get your bike and you're loaded up it will be like flying except you can't go for long periods of time with one hand on the of fortune and Enjoy the Voyage.....Mark of the Dalton Boys...PS - and you won't vibrate as much! CAVU

This message was edited by TheDaltonBoys on 4-18-06 @ 6:54 AM

Offline biker_james

Trek 520 v Cannondale T2000
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2006, 08:42:22 am »
My wife and I each have Cannondale T800's, and they have been great for 6 years. Actually, they are practically T2000's now-seats eventually got replaced with Brooks Professional, and shifter replaced last year with Ultegra.
Both have good reputations, and I can't ever recall meeting the owner of either one who was dissatisfied with his bike. The Cannndale may seem stiff (it isn't a negative to me), but seems a lot less so when loaded down. They will happily carry a big load.
The other issue is the bar-end versus STI shifter debate. I think if you are used to STI it might be hard to go back to bar-ends (I wouldn't by choice), but that could also be changed out on the Trek ( for a price no doubt).
I think you should go look at some bike shops, and find one that says "Take me Home", and live (and ride) happily ever after. There is no right or wrong bike.

Offline mtnroads

Trek 520 v Cannondale T2000
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2006, 04:45:27 pm »
I have both bikes. The Trek is very comfortable for day rides, general use and touring, the T800 is better loaded, where the excellent frame comes into play. It is not as harsh when unloaded as some mention - the 37mm tires do a great job of smoothing out the ride, just not as plush as a 520.

Offline 2010

Trek 520 v Cannondale T2000
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2006, 11:49:36 pm »
Hello from Colorado! I have a 97' T2000 (frame only) everything else has been upgraded $$, it rides like a Lexus! (I have never ridden in a Lexus tho'). The Trek would be fine for a tighter budget. Anymore my future bikes will be equipped by me not someone else. I hate it when the company throws on a XT or XTR rear derail. & the rest of the stuff is mediocre. Just by doing your homework on the web you can make a very informed purchase. Have fun! TextText

Offline jimbeard

Trek 520 v Cannondale T2000
« Reply #11 on: May 21, 2006, 09:03:26 pm »
I  have a 98T1000 + 2005 Trek 520 I am happy with both .I have had trouble with STI shifters now i only tour with bar ends they are more reliable and can be easily switched to friction although i have never had to do so .
PS T1000 has 27000 miles W/no major problems orig.barends


Offline Quahog03

Trek 520 v Cannondale T2000
« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2006, 09:00:17 am »
I can't comment on the Cannondale,never been on one.
In March I rode from San Deigo to El Paso. ( hooked up
with a rider from ACA )
I rode my Trek 520 loaded and the bike was great. I
hadn't ridden the bike 200 miles and I was impressed
that I had very little sorness in my neck and
shoulders. The bike has a Vueata Bassano saddle.

Offline MVDan

Trek 520 v Cannondale T2000
« Reply #13 on: December 22, 2006, 04:46:47 pm »

I am going to post the question about the REI Randonee.
Considering it or the Bianchi Volpe.

How do you still like the Novara? Any problems other than the usual new bike adjustments?

thanks so much.

Offline macguys

Trek 520 v Cannondale T2000
« Reply #14 on: December 31, 2006, 06:05:28 pm »
I rode a well fitted 520 on several tours but still had shoulder and neck pains after the first few days.  These days I ride a Rans Wave recumbent and outside of having trouble on some uphills, it's a very sweet ride.