Author Topic: Any Long term use with a BOB trailer  (Read 9755 times)

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Offline skico

Any Long term use with a BOB trailer
« on: September 08, 2006, 09:15:46 pm »
Looking for info from people who have used a BOB trailer for extended use. I'm doing the California Pacific coast starting in march 07. Is the Ibex worth the extra money for the shock and are the axle pins still a high wear issue. Thanks all

P.S. Any must see side trips will have good Karma coming your way.

This message was edited by skico on 9-11-06 @ 10:23 AM


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Any Long term use with a BOB trailer
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2006, 11:13:12 pm »
I have 7000 miles on my BOB Yak, 1000 of which was on gravel roads.  I never felt once that I needed a shock.  I'd save money and the weight.  The "cotter pins" securing the BOB to the QR never wore out, but carrying a spare is nice because if you lose it you are in deep doo doo.

Offline Peaks

Any Long term use with a BOB trailer
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2006, 06:03:41 pm »
Used the BOB for both the Northern Tier and Green Mountain Loop.  Both are on paved roads.  Never wished for a shock absorber.  Maybe if I was doing off-paved road touring

Offline TheDaltonBoys

Any Long term use with a BOB trailer
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2006, 12:08:33 pm »
skico - have owned a YaK since '93 and an IBex (shock absorber), since '00. The weight difference when both types are "naked" is 5 lbs/10 kgs. I use my BoB's as a nearly indispensable part of my car-less existence. That said, a YaK will do you jus fine, borrow an IbeX if you do the Great Mountain Divide trail, or if lowering even more the "no foam" factor when hauling beer is the goal. These trailers are hardy souls that are great single track trailers. There is a wealth of information in the owners handbook that should be read prior to use. It's not quite so simple as "loading her up" and pedaling pell-mell down the trail. You are in for some new and exciting handling characteristics!!  enjoy the voyage...Mark of the Dalton Boys