Author Topic: mounting extra bottle cages  (Read 13446 times)

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Offline ride29

mounting extra bottle cages
« on: March 10, 2007, 08:20:50 pm »
My bike has the standard two bottle cages. Almost every loaded touring bike I've seen has three. Due to my frame configuration, I could fit three additional cages on my bike - a Gary Fisher Paragon 29er. I could put two on the underside of the down tube (and still have plently of front tire clearance) and another on the topside of the top tube just under the front of my saddle, with no peddling issues.

My question is, how to mount these cages? Are zip ties sufficient? How about stainless steel clamps? Does anybody have their LBS drill and tap additional mounts on the frame? Just wondering. I think having the option of five water bottles, or four bottles plus a UDAP bear pepper spray, would be very nice.

Daryl Bernard

This message was edited by ride29 on 3-10-07 @ 6:18 PM
Daryl Bernard

Offline JayH

mounting extra bottle cages
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2007, 09:59:33 am »
You can mount water bottle cages on the underside with those pipeclamps if you don't want to use zipties. The aluminum pipe clamps use a flathead screwdrive to loosen/tighten the clamp itself.  So long as it doesn't interfere with any cables that may run down your Paragon (not familiar with the GF), you should be OK. It'll get dirty with road grime if fenderless of course.

Also, if you don't have a underseat bag, you might also use what the triathletes I see use. Those 2 water bottle holders that hang off the seat rails underneath you.  


Offline RussellSeaton

mounting extra bottle cages
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2007, 01:07:42 pm »
I've had bike shops add the pop rivet bottle cage mounts to a steel frame and aluminum frame.  Work fine and are cheap and permanent.

I also use a double water bottle cage from Nashbar on long, long, long rides.  I have the aluminum model of this one.  Did not find the one I have.  Mine is more than sturdy enough to hold two 32-28 ounce bottles.

Offline driftlessregion

mounting extra bottle cages
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2007, 03:51:47 pm »
I don't recommend the velcro strap equipted cage. It wouldn't stay in place on the underside of my downtube. I stopped using it and just lashed the extra bottle or two on top of my BOB bag with bungies.

Offline DaveB

mounting extra bottle cages
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2007, 11:14:38 am »
I've had bike shops add the pop rivet bottle cage mounts to a steel frame and aluminum frame.

I assume they used "Riv-nuts", not pop-rivets.  Riv-nuts are what a lot of frame builders use on Al, Ti or Carbon frames and they work well if installed properly.  The thread size should be M5x.8  

I agree that velcro straps or zip-ties are not going to position the bottles reliably.

One other possibility: a Camelback.

Offline ride29

mounting extra bottle cages
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2007, 03:27:45 pm »
As for Camelbaks...I would not want one on a long distance tour. I mountain bike a lot, and although I use a Camelbak when conditions call for it (way out there where I might need lots of water, plus tools, spare tube, food, etc), I've grown tired of carrying all that weight on my back. On a fast and furious trail, it's nice to sip from the tube without trying to grab a bottle, but for a long haul on the road or an easy trail ride, I'll take water bottles every time.

Daryl Bernard
Daryl Bernard

Offline ptaylor

mounting extra bottle cages
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2007, 05:53:18 pm »
Interesting question.

While I admire both RussellSeaton and DaveB, I would never want my LBS to drill holes in my frame. In the past, I have used stainless steel clamps with success.

My main thought is: why do you need 5 water bottle mounts?

I admit I have never ridden through the desert, but if you are going to be going that far, you are surely going to be equipped with a rack and some combination of panniers/bags. Can you stick a 2 liter bottle of water someplace?


Offline ptaylor

mounting extra bottle cages
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2007, 06:23:13 pm »
Sorry fellow forum members, now I gotta comment on camelbacks. Oops - I've never used one, well, not really, I had one when I used my recumbent a few years ago (due to health reasons).

Now that I'm healthy, I hate having anything piggybacking on my back! I hate the sweat build-back.

I emphasize that ride29 said "I would not want one on a long distance tour"


Offline ride29

mounting extra bottle cages
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2007, 08:01:31 pm »
In response to Paul's question about 5 water bottle mounts...hmmm...well, I REALLY don't want to run out of water, so I think three is minimal. Plus, I've been looking into the UDAP bear repellent that comes in a canister, which can be stored in a special water bottle-like mount. So that would take up one. I guess I figure if I can fit five mounts on my frame, why not?

As for stowing a 2 liter elsewhere - honestly I don't know. I've ordered my panniers (Arkels!) and racks (Old Man Mountain!) just today, so I don't know about space and all. This will be my first tour, so it's all a big learning process for me!

Daryl Bernard
Daryl Bernard

Offline biker_james

mounting extra bottle cages
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2007, 07:34:32 am »
When I need to carry more than the 3 bottles my Cannndale has mounts for, I normally just slip a two litre bottle under the bungee cord (actually, a little bungee "net") beside the sleeping bag on my rear rack. Actually, the net is handy- I think it was sold for use on a motorcycle rack, but why discriminate-I've had a two litre bottle, a large juice container, a bag of cookies, my Goretex jacket, all stuffed under it at once. My wife says it makes me look like a gypsy with stuff stacked up like that-I take it as a compliment, even if it wasn't meant as one.
There is also a company (Blackburn?) making waterbottle cages that will accept the 1.5 litre bottles-effectively twice the size of a normal bottle.

This message was edited by biker_james on 3-15-07 @ 3:40 AM