Author Topic: Ipod Charging on the road?  (Read 10912 times)

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Offline gtmtnbikr2001

Ipod Charging on the road?
« on: March 12, 2007, 10:18:22 pm »
I cant seem to leave my Ipod behind.  Im planning a trip where power wont be available to recharge it.  Does anyone out there know of any solar or wheel generators for Ipods.  I pull a bob trailer and thought about mounting a small solar panal to charge my cell phone and my Ipod.  I know some of you will want to beat me with a foldable tire for wanting to take these things, but I own a business and my cell phone is needed so I can get away.  Please, any ideas would be great.


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Ipod Charging on the road?
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2007, 11:01:26 pm »
If you're prepared to spend at least $200, I highly recommend looking at the Brunton Solar Rolls. These are flexible, waterproof solar panels with lash points available in different sizes depending on your power needs. Personally, I use the Solar Roll 4.5 which measures 12" by 22" when unrolled weighs less than half a pound, straps nicely across the top of of whatever I'm carrying on my rear rack and charges my iPod in 3 or 4 hours, and my cell phone in a bit less, depending on the weather. These panels are expedition quality, hence the price.

There are less expensive options out there ($40 - $100) specifically designed to be portable and used for cell phones and other small portable electronic devices but these panels are generally not waterproof, rigid, and require slightly longer charge times.

[edit]It seems I should have checked the Brunton website myself before writing this reply. The company now offers a 6 watt, 7oz, iPod specific charger for about $80 less than the version I mentioned above though this version is folds instead of rolls and, if I had to guess, is not as durable nor as weather proof. [/edit]

......... __ o
......(O) (O)...........
i'd rather be biking.

This message was edited by tofubicycle on 3-12-07 @ 7:08 PM

Offline betterways

Ipod Charging on the road?
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2007, 03:22:15 pm »
   I use a flexable panel from a company called Iowa Thin Film.  They have panels in varying sizes and power levels.  I got mine when I designed and molded my custom fitted plastic cargo container for my B.O.B.
  It fits right on top of the lid and I use it to charge cell phone, I Pod, and batteries for my stereo speakers which are mounted in the cargo container.  I would google them and see what their web site offers.


Offline ptaylor

Ipod Charging on the road?
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2007, 06:27:55 pm »
I'm from the old school. I only turn on my cell phone for messages at the end of the day, or when I'm expecting a call or message. My phone can go for several days without a re-charge.

When at a campground with electricity, I use it to recharge, whether I need it or not. If my battery is low, I beg at a restaurant, campground, library - wherever. If the locals know you're not a homeless, and are on a bike, God bless them, the are overly accommodating.


Offline gtmtnbikr2001

Ipod Charging on the road?
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2007, 12:09:03 am »
Hey there Mike.  Thanks for the idea, thats exactly what Im looking for.  I would love to see some pics of your bob.  Im looking to do something like that to mine, very inspiring.  Thank you

Offline RussellSeaton

Ipod Charging on the road?
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2007, 12:12:21 pm »

I heard about these on the internet.  Energizer brand cellular phone chargers.  Available with several different plugs on the end.  Uses 2 AA batteries to charge/run your cellular phone battery instead of charging with the AD transformer.  I do not know what kind of plug in is required for Ipods but maybe these would work.  Obviously you would have to buy AA batteries but they are readily available.  For others not using an Ipod but want to carry a cellular phone on a bike trip and worry about having a dead battery, this device would power the cellular phone.

Above is a link to the PowerFilm solar power charger from Iowa mentioned by someone else.  $119  Lots of pictures showing how to mount it about anywhere.

This message was edited by RussellSeaton on 5-2-07 @ 8:18 AM

Offline betterways

Ipod Charging on the road?
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2007, 01:29:21 pm »
gtmtnbikr2001: I will try and get some pics for you this weekend of my bob.  What I have is custom fitted for the Yak and the Ibex trailers.  Two compartments, waterproof, lockable, space for the solar panel, Claming post for safty light, venting into each compartment. I used a safty yellow for the box and a charcoal grey for the lids. This unit is 16 in tall overall.  I've molded some for friends and they haven't had any complaints.
