Author Topic: Brooks saddles and rain  (Read 13258 times)

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Offline chipg

Brooks saddles and rain
« on: October 09, 2007, 11:47:09 am »
I am looking to put a Brooks B17 saddle on my touring bike.  My only concern is how the leather holds up to the wet.  I live in the maritime Pacific NW and we sometime get rain. I have fenders on my bike so I guess that I am less worried about it for rides around home but what about touring and camping (doing the Northern tier in 2008).  What if it rains for a few days?  I know that the saddle is made in England so it must beable to deal with some rain.

Also what are peoples experiances with the care and feeding of the saddle?


Offline RussellSeaton

Brooks saddles and rain
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2007, 12:27:41 pm »
I think the rain and leather saddle concern is blown way out of proportion.  I have Brooks saddles on all of my bikes.  Ideale on the touring bike before I replaced it during the big touring bike refurbishment project a couple years ago.  I never cover the saddles when it rains.  They are not harmed from a few hours of rain.  When you are riding in the warm summer months, you are sweating.  Your shorts will be soaking wet at the end of a long ride.  These soaking wet shorts are on the fragile Brooks leather saddle for hours and hours of riding.  That is far more moisture than you will ever get from rain.  You should keep the saddles well oiled with Proofide, mink oil, paste wax, or whatever to help keep moisture from getting into the leather.  But that is all you need to do.  I would also suggest not storing your leather saddled bike outside year round in all weather.  Bring it inside.  On tours if you are concerned, put a plastic bag or shower cap over the saddle at night to keep dew off of it.

Offline DaveB

Brooks saddles and rain
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2007, 10:27:04 pm »
I live in the maritime Pacific NW and we sometime get rain.

You are a master of understatement.  ;)

Offline biker_james

Brooks saddles and rain
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2007, 08:00:39 am »
I live on Vancouver Island, and we too get rain from time to time. I don't worry much about our Brooks saddles-we try to cover them with a shower cap when its raining hard and we leave them out. When we're riding we don't worry about them at all. We do treat them occasionally with Proofide - probably about twice a year.

Offline jimbeard

Brooks saddles and rain
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2007, 08:00:43 pm »
I use Aardvark Waterproof Saddle Cover

This message was edited by jimbeard on 10-10-07 @ 4:07 PM

Offline driftlessregion

Brooks saddles and rain
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2007, 09:54:53 pm »
If you're off the bike throw on a cover; there are several made including by Brooks. On the bike don't forget the water coming from underneath so put on the fenders. If you don't ride it soaked, not just wet from sweat, it will be fine. Riding it really soaked may cause it to droop.

Offline KennethJMoose

Brooks saddles and rain
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2007, 03:05:42 pm »
I use a plastic bag from Walmart when it rains.  

Offline whittierider

Brooks saddles and rain
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2007, 03:27:16 pm »
When you are riding in the warm summer months, you are sweating.  Your shorts will be soaking wet at the end of a long ride.  These soaking wet shorts are on the fragile Brooks leather saddle for hours and hours of riding.  That is far more moisture than you will ever get from rain.

I have also wondered about the various ointments made to be put in the shorts to avoid saddle sores, or even vaseline.  What effect do these have on a leather saddle?