It seems that my caling myself Geezer offends some people here. I would like to clear the air about that and let anyone that thinks I am looking for sympathy for my age understand that I am in no way invalidid by my age or my condition. When it comes to doing a days work or even a days ride, most people half my age can not hang with me. There are exceptions and they are mostly exceptional specimens!
That said I have found that I am not the man I was at forty six (when I feel I peaked)and I cannot spend the rest of my life trying to bull my way through every physical task. I am much more into enjoying now than I am pain.
As for my Copd, it is a condition that I earned throiugh stubborness and stupidity over the many years of amny packs of cigarettes. I find that is no where near the problem that rheumatic fever left me with as a four year old. I'm aware that it will slowly get worse as the years go by and that there are treatments and such to handle it. But all the treatments and such do not take away the fact that when I peddal up hill it is much harder than down or on the flat. Since I plan on this tour I'm undertaking lasting quite a long time I'd like to make it as easy and painless as possible and as long as I can make it last. Hense my questions about trailers and the ease of pulling one.
I hope that from now on when someone hears that I have chosen to call myself Geezer that it is not meant to be offensive and that I do this in jest. This Old Geezer is alive and well and still a force to be reconed with. There will be days when I will be seen on the rode and someone will think, "that old geezer should be," here or there, but many will not be able to be there when they get to my age. I feel it fitting, ironic and a proud name to wear.

Geezer..Ride till you can't no more.