Author Topic: Stylish Biking Cloths?  (Read 13741 times)

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Offline MunkeyXis

Stylish Biking Cloths?
« on: February 26, 2008, 04:21:08 pm »
Hello everyone, I plan to bike the northern tier this summer and I'm starting to look around at clothing for the ride. I read that most people's pack lists include a few bike jerseys and bike shorts. Personally all the bike jerseys and especially bike shorts are unappealing to me esthetically. I'm hoping to make all my bike cloths also clothing i can wear normally.

So does anyone know of a source of stylish biking cloths for a young man like myself?

Or more so, would i be setting myself up for bad rashes if I try to stick to khaki shorts and the like?

What can i do to stay comfy on long rides, while avoiding the spandex shorts? hahaa


Offline alfonso

Stylish Biking Cloths?
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2008, 06:27:49 pm »
Here is the website of a company that makes bike clothing for persons born after the fall of the dinosaur.

Note the shorts. It's a New Zealand company (I live south of the equator) but they have mail order service. In any event, there are sure to be companies in the US (where I assume you live) that make similar gear - or I'm a MunkeyXis's unclad uncle.

This message was edited by alfonso on 2-26-08 @ 2:29 PM

Offline staehpj1

Stylish Biking Cloths?
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2008, 06:49:22 pm »
I am a booster of regular bike shorts and jerseys, but you can wear regular clothes if you want.  What do you ride in when not on tour?  If you can do long rides on consecutive days then it should work on tour too.  Baggy shorts and synthetic tee shirts should work fine if your butt can stand the shorts.

On the TA the majority of folks we met wore bike shorts and jerseys, but a not too small minority chose to wear "regular clothes".

As far as sources, if I didn't want to wear spandex, I would buy non-bike specific clothes.

Just be sure to put some miles in to be sure that what you pick works for you.

Offline DU

Stylish Biking Cloths?
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2008, 10:11:46 pm »
I prefer regular bike clothing also but another choice might be Andiamo underwear worn with regular shorts. Here is a link to a website for Andiamo and some other clothing.

Offline TwoWheeledExplorer

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Stylish Biking Cloths?
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2008, 10:48:56 pm »
Stylish? Who are you hoping to impress? Practical, functional and comfortable should be a lot more important than style. (Or are you just trying to bait us???)

You are NOT going to look like you just stepped off of the QE II, no matter what you wear. I dont care for Spandex either, though. Depending on what I am doing, I either wear mountain bike shorts (baggy around a Spandex riding short) zip-off cycling pants, or long cycling pants. (Both can be found through police/EMS uniform shops.) and so-called "expedition" shirts with SPF of about 40-50 built right into them. They are light-weight, very breathable, but probably not real "stylish".

Is this some sort of early April Fool's joke?

Ride safe,

St. Brendan's Travelers Bicycle Missions Team

This message was edited by Trailpatrol on 2-26-08 @ 6:50 PM
2WX: The Two-Wheeled Explorer
"St. Louis to the Western Sea if nothing prevents."--John Ordway, Corps of Discovery

Offline MunkeyXis

Stylish Biking Cloths?
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2008, 12:05:23 am »
woh, Trailpatrol, buddy, settle down. Soundin a lil too elitist for me, cmawn. The baggy mountain bike shorts with spandex under is pretty much what im goin for. So thanks for the suggestion, sans the attitude.

thanks for the links alfonso and DU! I'll definatly check them out! =D

and thanks for the wise words staehpj1 I'll be sure to experiment before the long haul. = D

Offline roadrunner

Stylish Biking Cloths?
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2008, 01:44:20 pm »
Rather than bike shorts and jerseys for tours, I prefer clothes that are comfortable on or off the bike and that fit into the local scene.  I've settled on riding briefs (available from Performance or Nashbar) that give the same riding comfort as riding shorts, worn under nylon zip-off pants.  The pants are good for hot or cool temperatures, have pockets, wash easily, work as a swim suit, and with regular skivies, are fine for non-riding times.

Check the baggy mountain bike shorts before buying; many have thick padding that feels like a diaper.

For shirts, I use anything that's bright(for visibility) and not cotton (for ease of washing/drying) -- tee-shirts, button-up, even aloha shirts when the mood fits.

Offline DaveB

Stylish Biking Cloths?
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2008, 01:32:45 pm »
The "baggy" MTB shorts are a good compromise between the need for riding comfort and a more casual, everyday appearance. The "diaper" may be a bit of a bother off the bike but it's not obvious to others and you will treasure it while riding.

I would avoid regular Khaki or jeans shorts as the seams will be in exactly the wrong places. Even with bike short liners they are going to be a problem.

Shirts can be any style but, as noted, avoid cotton as it gets wet and heavy and stays wet and heavy.  There are a lot of T-shirts and even "golf-style" shirts available in all-synthetic fabrics.

I don't think you will ever be stylish in clothing suitable for bike riding but you can avoid the bike-geek look and still be adequately comfortable.

This message was edited by DaveB on 2-28-08 @ 9:34 AM

Offline Badger

Stylish Biking Cloths?
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2008, 07:50:28 pm »
It's not wheter you win or lose it how you look playing the game.