Author Topic: NEW BIKE FOR TOUR  (Read 12587 times)

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Offline davidherr

« on: June 01, 2008, 04:53:51 pm »
Hi I am soon going to be purchasing a new bike specifically for a three month cross country tour. I live in New York City and was wondering if anyone could suggest a shop that could help me with the purchase. A shop that is not too arrogant that would help a novice that is does not know a lot about touring bikes. thanks.

Offline tgpelz

« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2008, 12:59:45 am »
since you are on the Adventure cycle website, you might call them and have them send you a copy of their annual touring bike issue.

If you get a lot of grief from the bike shops, then consider the following:

Jamis Aurora:  Trek, Cannondale,  Bike Friday.

The real question is:  How much do you weigh?   If you are as big as I am, consider a mountain frame with street tires, a more upright position (obtained by changing out the handle bars, etc.

Bike Friday can solve your problem also.  I have one of their bikes and love it.

You can even use the suit case it comes in as a travel trailer, with wheels.

Then there are CoMotion, and other high priced bike shops.

Have fun sorting out what you want.


Offline DaveB

« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2008, 10:51:50 am »
I don't think the OP was looking for advice on which bike to purchase but the name of a helpful and competent LBS in his area.  There are plenty of suitable bikes out there but very few dealers that have the desire to help a new touring rider pick one.


  • Guest
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2008, 12:06:39 pm »
Forget about LBS's.  They will sell you what they have, and its most likely to be less than optimal for touring.

If I were to do it again, I'd get a Surly LRT built by

You can get custom wheels and the crankset of choice as well as all the bells and whistles your heart desires.  Plus free shipping.  You won't find a lower cost or a better build.  They will computer-fit you and they definitely know what they are doing.  I am very happy with the custom mountain bike I recently bought from them...

Offline slorider

« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2008, 02:36:03 am »
I once read that you should first select the LBS you want to buy from, then choose the bike from them.  Especially for the novice, this might still be the best advice, even though we not fully approve of the selection.  At least they will be taken care of - maybe they won't get the fancy bags, and may end up on Al instead of steel, but I'm sure they'll still have fun out on the road.

My two (off topic) cents.

Offline paddleboy17

« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2008, 05:21:22 pm »
You LBS is one of most important relationships that you need to establish.  For most of you, a ~$1000 touring bike will meet your needs.  You can certainly do your background research and decide which bikes your interested in.  Either you like barcon shifters or you have to have STI shifters and so on.  Find dealers that carry what you are interested in and go see them.  Any good dealer can fit you to a bike that you want.  The LBS makes its money off of the accessories, not the bike.  Fit is everything.  Your relationship with the LBS is pretty important, as they want you happy (and buying more stuff), and we solve ride problems.  You just might need a shorter stem or saddle swap, and see if you can get that from a .COM.

That said, I will tell you a tale critical of my LBS.  I had a $950 touring bike.  I am a big guy, and do to an injury I have a lot of upper body movement.  So my bike would ripple from front to back when I road it under load.  I talked to my LBS, and their answer to buy another $1000 touring bike.  Wrong answer.  I need a custom touring bike, designed to support my weight and dampen my upper body.  I changed to another bike shop that someone who toured on staff, and we designed a $5000 custom Waterford heavy touring bike (that took 6 months to get from start to finish).  I have had it 5 weeks, and it does indeed ride like dream.  I am doing my first loaded tour Saturday, and I will let you know how it handles under load.


Offline rcrampton

« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2008, 10:41:35 pm »
The toughest problem for many of us is actually finding touring bikes to try. Most LBS don't carry many, if any models. Since you're in NY City you can probably buy any bike that's ever existed. One approach would be to find a few LBS so you can look at several touring bikes. Maybe you'll find one that has both a bike you like and touring expertise and friendly folks.

I'm not answering your question of course... but just another idea.

Offline paddleboy17

« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2008, 12:48:56 pm »
The Waterford does indeed handle well with panniers on it.  No frame or rack flex under normal operation.  I can make something flex if I try, but I can live with that.

I think you might find light touring bikes at you local bike shop.  Touring bikes have a more upright riding position than critereum road bikes, so there is a market for them.  There is also not a lot of difference between a light touring bike and a low end cyclocross bike.  Some bikes are also designed to do either.  In SE Michigan, there is a lot of interest in cyclocross.

In short, you won't know until you go to your LBS.  You might have to go to all of your LBS to what they have.    Any Trek dealer can get you a 520.


Offline bogiesan

« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2008, 11:00:06 pm »
> I live in New York City and was wondering if anyone could suggest a
shop that could help me with the purchase. <

I'd start by narrowing your brand choices to, say, four or five. Hit their
sites and search for LBS in your area. Spend a few weekends visiting
ten shops and chatting with the staff. I think you'll know when the vibe
is right.

You need to be prepared: know what you're looking for, what you want
to spend for the bike and ALL accessories, and know the tricks of the
trade so you can avoid being ripped off or led astray or into a higher
tier than your budget allows.

david boise ID

go, ristretto, FCP/AE
"Read the manual."
I play go. I use Macintosh. Of course I ride a recumbent