Author Topic: Recommendation for bike shops in San Diego  (Read 7483 times)

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Offline Aloha_Cyclist

Recommendation for bike shops in San Diego
« on: September 19, 2008, 03:10:54 pm »
I'm visiting San Diego, California for the next 4 months and looking to
purchase a touring bike and gear while here. Does anyone know of any
shops that cater towards touring bikes/cyclists?

I'm planning on doing some longer distance touring as well, if anyone
had thoughts on a quality touring bike, please let me know your
thoughts. Thanks in advance.



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Recommendation for bike shops in San Diego
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2008, 11:00:47 am »
The LBS's here in SD are as ignorant about touring as they are elsewhere.  Expect to be sold what they have in stock regardless of whether it is suitable for touring or not.

Having said this, I suggest the following.

1) Decide what bike you want and determine the size you need.  Call around to REI (for Novara and sometimes Cannondale) and Trek (for 520) to see if thy have your size in stock and whether they have any in stock.  You're not likely to be so lucky and you probably will have to buy sight unseen.  An alternative is to buy a more upscale bike (Independent, BG etc)online or to work with Hi-Tech Bikes in Kearney Mesa for Co-Motion.  If you're going to do the latter, join the San Diego Triathlon Club for a 10% discount.

2) For racks call Wayne at  He'll fix you up with Tubus racks at great prices.  

3) For panniers, I'd buy direct online from Arkel, but Wayne also carries Ortliebs.

4) For everything else, I'd buy from REI and take advantage of sales and their rebate card.

I live in Carmel Valley and would be pleased to help you get kitted out.  PM me.