Author Topic: Touring Stove  (Read 84326 times)

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Offline wanderingwheel

Touring Stove
« Reply #15 on: October 06, 2008, 09:13:00 pm »
If I'm going to go to the trouble of cooking and cleaning, I want the meal to be worth it.  Sure I do soups and chilis and pastas, but that's usually just with the pot.  With the skillet, I'll throw together whatever I picked up that day together and cook it: fish, steak, chicken, vegetables, anything really.  Sometimes it leans towards a stir fry, sometimes it's closer to a mixed grill.  I'll also cook simple pies and cakes if I planned far enough in advance.


Offline driftlessregion

Touring Stove
« Reply #16 on: October 06, 2008, 10:03:52 pm »
The Whisperlite is great and as its name implies relatively quiet. After it came the Simmerlite which as the name implies allows lower flame than the Whisperlite for simmering; but it is as noisy as a train in the forest. If traveling with others, a gallon of fuel can be shared,  depends on the length of the trip. I used only 2 liters on 2 week trip with 2 of us, cooking 2X a day.  Check out REI for comparisons of lots of stoves.

Offline robo

Touring Stove
« Reply #17 on: October 07, 2008, 12:51:58 am »
To me, there's nothing more important than my morning coffee.  Instant oatmeal is another ingredient in helping me through those first miles.  I like to use my homemade pepsi or penny stove for this.  As an added bonus, the stoves weigh less than less than nothing and are fun to make.  The alcohol goes in any plastic bottle and is carried in a pannier.

Evening meals usually entail some sort of soup, pasta, rice, or whatever we can find at "the little shop that shouldn't really call itself a grocery".  This can take a bit more time, so I like to use the whisperlight, or, for a more reliable and bombproop option, the MSR XGK.  It is barely heavier than the whisperlight and takes up a bit more space.  I carry the gas in my third water bottle cage.

I've been able to find both kinds of fuel in both the US and Canada, often in one liter containers.

Offline staehpj1

Touring Stove
« Reply #18 on: October 07, 2008, 07:09:28 am »
Robo, I find this more than a little puzzling...

"As an added bonus, the stoves weigh less than less than nothing and are fun to make."
True but the fuel doesn't weigh so little.  Carrying an extra Pepsi can stove can add less than half an ounce, but an extra liter of methanol weighs 1.75 pounds or so.  With the weight of the container it must be about 2 pounds when full.  An extra 2 pounds is a huge deal to me, especially since it only duplicates the function of the other stove.

So any perceived advantage just doesn't compute with me.  It seems like you are carrying at least an extra 2 pounds to do the same thing that the other stove can do just as well or better.

One possible advantage that I could see would be if you really wanted to have two burners at the same time.  Even then it looks to me as if another Whisperlite or XGK with a fuel bottle and a half liter of fuel would weigh the same as a pepsi can stove and a full liter of fuel.

The only other advantage I can come up with is that if you can't find one fuel you can maybe find the other, but the XGK is multi-fuel and has a lot of options for fuels.

Obviously, you can do as you please, but I can't conceive of any way this makes sense unless carrying an extra 2 pounds means nothing to you.  Am I missing some advantage?

Offline scott.laughlin

Touring Stove
« Reply #19 on: October 07, 2008, 11:34:43 am »
I haven't carried a stove for years.  Instead, I depend on a thermos, microwaves in convenience stores, and sometimes cafes.

Offline DaveB

Touring Stove
« Reply #20 on: October 07, 2008, 11:53:05 am »
Some ideas for getting small amounts of fuel for a white gas/unleaded gasoline stove:  

1. Stop at a gas station and approach someone who is filling their car.  Ask them to add gas to your fuel bottle (bring a small funnel) and offer to pay for the 1 qt or what ever it takes.  The cost should be less than $1 even at today's prices.

2. Stop at a gas station and go around to all of the pumps not in use.  Remove the nozzle from the pump and drain the residual gas into your fuel bottle.  Many people replace the nozzle without draining it and a few pumps may provide all you need free.

3.In any commercial or public campground, find someone with a Coleman stove or lantern and offer to buy a small amount of Coleman fuel from their large can.  

BTW, denatured alcohol (ethanol treated to be non-drinkable) is available in most hardware and home center stores in the paint section, often in 1-qt or 1-pint cans.  It is the solvent used for shellac.

Offline paddleboy17

Touring Stove
« Reply #21 on: October 07, 2008, 11:54:05 am »
I guess I should have clarified what you cook to include how you cook it.  

I don't see how anyone can do stir fry, pies, cakes, etc. with a white gas stove or any other portable stove.  I don't have room for a dutch oven, so I don't know how these got made.

As for me, if I did marinara sauce from a jar and pasta, I would be in trouble because there is not enough protein in it to sustain me.  

Beans and rice from a bag are OK, but it does use a lot of fuel to cook, and I don't advise riding behind me the next day.

On my last weekend trip, my touring partner and I were each responsible for one dinner.  He boiled instant brown rice, with canned chicken, and canned black beans.  Very filling, although the chicken has a funky smell to it (taste is OK).  I boiled canned ham with instant rice-a-roni.  Actually, I attempted to saute the ham with a little olive oil before adding the water, rice, and seasoning packet.  Also very tasty, no funky smell, ham has a funky texture.  We both used white gas stoves.  


Offline Westinghouse

Touring Stove
« Reply #22 on: October 07, 2008, 02:35:17 pm »
I have a mass manufactured alcohol stove so light you can barely feel its weight when you pick it up. Through over twenety little holes it jets the flames upward one foot where they all meet at one point of concentrated heat. Place it in a low coffee can with vents for air, put the pot on top of the coffee can, and the full bottom of your pot will be covered with fire with fire venting out the air holes and climbing the sides of your pot. In a short time your food is so hot you can not even begin to eat it. If you carry HEET for fuel you can get it for $1.34 at Wal Mart and gas stations. It comes in volumes in containers much lighter than a quart of denatured alcohol.

When it comes to light weight, ease of use, cooking efficiency, and low cost, a well made alcohol stove is the best deal for the touring cyclist. At least that has been my experience so far. I have carried all kinds of stoves. The alcohol stove is the best.

Offline scott.laughlin

Touring Stove
« Reply #23 on: October 08, 2008, 03:23:14 am »
Using HEET for fuel makes a lot of sense.  You can build your own stove in a few minutes, if you're so inclined.  Go to


for instructions.

Offline paddleboy17

Touring Stove
« Reply #24 on: October 08, 2008, 06:17:04 pm »
OK, I will come clean.  Perhaps I have been guilty of white gas snobbery.  I did go and visit
and I will admit that I am intriqued.

But I am not much of a machinist.

So I did an online look up for commercial stoves.  Wow, what a cottage industry.  Here are the ones that looked interesting.

I would love to hear who uses what and what experiences anyone has had with these stoves.  The ION looks interesting to me, but I know nothing about alcohol stoves.


Offline WesternFlyer

Touring Stove
« Reply #25 on: October 09, 2008, 02:14:37 pm »
If you use an alcohol stove please read the Zen Stoves website about various types of alcohol based fuels and possible toxicity of some fuels like HEET!

I have used a Trangia alcohol stove for nearly 40 years  It has never failed me.  I have pulled up on a beach in my kayak, emptied the burner of salt water, filled it with ethanol in the pouring rain and wind and had dinner cooking in less than a minute.  I did replace the simmer ring this year because the rivet, after years of abuse and salt water, finally corroded through.  What I like about it most is its quietness.  Striking the match is the loudest noise you will hear.

Western Flyer
Western Flyer

We must ride light and swift.  It is a long road ahead.

King Theoden

Offline flounder

Touring Stove
« Reply #26 on: October 15, 2008, 11:16:37 am »
Thanks for everyone's advice, I bought the Coleman Feather 442 Dual Fuel Stove. I hope it works ok. It's pretty light and small.

Thanks again!

Offline bogiesan

Touring Stove
« Reply #27 on: October 15, 2008, 10:35:50 pm »
That would not have been my choice for your weight consideration but
most Colemans have a nice simmer, crucial if you're going to try to live
on your own real cooking rather than just boiling water.

Please come back after your trips and tell us how you got on, eh?

david boise ID

go, ristretto, FCP/AE
"Read the manual."
I play go. I use Macintosh. Of course I ride a recumbent

Offline Westinghouse

Touring Stove
« Reply #28 on: October 20, 2008, 07:52:56 pm »
I too bought the feather 442 stove. Sure, it worked just fine. However, it is nearly impossible to get fuel from a powerful gas hose at a gas station into the very small hole in the stove. In fact, I could not do it at all. You will need to find a larger gas can you can pump the fuel into, and then funnel the gas from the can into the stove. No larger gas can available? No gas. You can buy white gas, but that comes in only gallon sizes from everything I have seen thus far.

Offline staehpj1

Touring Stove
« Reply #29 on: October 21, 2008, 08:19:25 am »
I typically carry either an iso-butane stove or an alcohol stove, but have used a gasoline stove when backpacking.

A lot depends on the gas pump.  Some are tougher than others.  I have managed to pump gas into a Sigg bottle with some difficulty.  It isn't impossible, but some spillage is likely.

I have read of others who just went from pump to pump and dribbled the gas that left was in the hoses into their fuel bottle (when the gas station was closed).