Author Topic: Travel companion sought for a ride in China  (Read 8280 times)

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Offline chillout

Travel companion sought for a ride in China
« on: March 23, 2006, 03:18:37 pm »
I'm planning to go for a 1500KM ride in May through China. The trip that I'm most interested in is a organized tour but still with a small to very small group 2-8 people. The tour will be going through Sicuan and Yunnan and starts an Chengdu and ends in Kumming 22 days later.

Why China and this province you might ask ? I've been to China in 2004 and visited the big cities on the east coast Shanghai, Xi'an and Beijing and some smaller places in between. I would love to see more of those smaller towns and the 'real' China which is what I saw in the smaller towns on the previous town. If you are interested or would like more info please contact me on this email address :

Tail winds to you,


This message was edited by chillout on 3-23-06 @ 12:20 PM