Author Topic: Fixed Gear For Sale!  (Read 10921 times)

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Offline bern

Fixed Gear For Sale!
« on: April 25, 2007, 09:09:36 pm »
Any commuters out there in LA area looking to buy a spectacularly maintained bike? It is a 53.5 Italian Bareknucle track bike. If you don't know what this bike is all about, boy are you in for a ride of a lifetime! I'm trying to help my boyfriend sell it so he will get real and buy a touring bike!!  Email him for pictures and  a ton more info. His name is Shawn.

Thanks.  Bernadette

Offline boonebikeguy

Fixed Gear For Sale!
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2007, 04:26:27 pm »
uh how much?

"Love is a river where crazy people drown"--Kyrgyz proverb
"Love is a river where crazy people drown"--Kyrgyz proverb

Offline boonebikeguy

Fixed Gear For Sale!
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2007, 11:46:50 pm »
Thans Bern..LA uhm gee I feel pretty stupid. I live on the E coast..LOL I need to read  more clearly...geez.

"Love is a river where crazy people drown"--Kyrgyz proverb
"Love is a river where crazy people drown"--Kyrgyz proverb