Author Topic: Youth Cross Country Tour in 2010  (Read 22797 times)

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Offline 10thgear

Youth Cross Country Tour in 2010
« on: August 11, 2009, 12:08:10 pm »
I am in the beginning stages of planning for a Youth Cross Country Tour starting in late June of 2010. My thought is a West to East journey starting in San Francisco. I have done two of these tours before from different starting locations. I want to make this a charity ride so that the participants are riding not only for themselves but also for a cause. In 2007, I worked with the Jett Foundation on such a project (

I think it would be awesome if we can gather teens (13-19) from across the country to have a shared cycling experience. Meet new friends and work together for a common cause. Since this forum is not getting much action, I thought I would post this idea and see if some interest can be generated for such a project, or at least some lively discussion about riding with teens, technology, etc.


Offline ErikRC10

Re: Youth Cross Country Tour in 2010
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2009, 07:06:08 pm »
I think that is an absolutely great idea. Two years ago when I was 15 I Toured across the US starting San Fran and ending Yorktown VA. My ride was also a charity ride, raising money for kids with cancer (Camp Quality).

For me this was by far the most fun and adventures thing I have ever done. So fun in fact I'm planning my own Coast to Coast trip next summer.

That age group maybe a little bit to spread IMO. I'm not saying it can't work but at 13 and 14 most kids haven't fully developed yet and wouldn't really fit in with the older kids on the trip. It is possible though considering my best friend after the trip was twice my age.

I don't know if I could ever lead a cross country trip myself though. Last summer I led 4 week long trips and I was so ready to go home.. Kids just don't listen. I know I sure didn't when I did my trip but I guess that's all part of it.

Even so I think it will be a great experience for the kid and adult alike.

Offline mfriedl

Re: Youth Cross Country Tour in 2010
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2009, 08:38:00 am »
I am considering a cross country bicycle trip with several of my children for the summer of 2010. My youngest will be 12. I am thinking that he may need to ride on a double bike with me or one of his siblings. My husband can't come due to work.

Has anyone out there done something like this?

Can you tell me what cause you plan on riding for and what route you have planned?

How many miles a day are you thinking of and what adult to child ratio did you have in mind?

Also, do all the kids need touring bikes? We currently have hybrids.

I am assuming that this will be a self-contained trip. Do you have any cost estimates?

And finally, have you chosen a cause for your fundraising?

Offline nancysv

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Re: Youth Cross Country Tour in 2010
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2009, 07:27:32 pm »
Go for it Mfriedl!  It'll be wonderful.  As for your 12-year-old - you'll have to make the decision based on his personal strengths and aptitude.  We are now touring with our 12-year-old twins and one of them is on a tandem with his father while the other rides his own bike.  The one on the tandem still can't handle his own bike for any length of time, but the other one has ridden his own bike from Alaska all the way down to Ecuador - starting from when he was 10!  Good luck!
Read about our adventures as a biking family!  We're now cycling from Alaska to Argentina

Offline Wendell LeRoy Archer

Re: Youth Cross Country Tour in 2010
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2010, 02:42:24 pm »

I just found this site and already I'm excited.

I'm 65 and my little sister is 5 yrs my junior. At the moment I'm planning on a cross country trek from Salem, Oregon to Georgia. I contacted cycle9 in Carrboro, North Carolina, told them of my build project and upcoming trek and Elise Giddings asked me that very question "just for fun or to promote some cause?"

So I looked for a cause and found Chivalry-Now at and became a contributing member of their forum. Now my plan is to take with us a group of about ten young men and women who are between 18 and 25 and who want to help spread the concept of Chivalry for today's modern society.

I won't be leaving this year, though. I'm on low income, (social security ... I'm retired) and the cost of my build will take a year to pay for.

I'm going to build an extended tricycle and power it with a Crystalyte "Brute" hub motor. In addition I'm going to build a micro-habitat trailer of my own design. (see my blog at

My idea is for the youngsters to form a crew of what I call do-gooders. As we travel, we will make contact with locals such as the police, the fire department, or local fraternal organizations to locate in their area individuals who are worthy to have Good Deeds done for them. Then, as a group, we will perform the Deed and then move on.

I think such an endeavor will, on its own, gain instant notoriety and perhaps the "Media" will follow our story and thereby our cause will be promoted.

I look forward to your conversations.


Offline tmurdock

Re: Youth Cross Country Tour in 2010
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2010, 07:57:29 am »
Fantastic...  you are about to change some lives forever  :)

Are you going supported?