I have to put in a good word for Nanaimo, B.C. We have pretty decent riding weather being on the West Coast, a decent amount of paved multi-use trails that actually take you somewhere. I know that they are just about useless when the weather is nice and they are full of dog-walkers and rollerbladers with I-Pods. However, they can be used to get around a couple pieces of road that are not bicycle friendly. The bigger streets have all got a wider curb lane to accomodate both (although it still confuses some motorists) and the bike routes are marked on the pavement-not a separate "lane"- just a bike symbol and "share the road"-most of these don't have on-street parking. The "freeway" around the City has a bike (multi-use)route parallel to it, but also has gorgeous wide shoulders so its quite safe to ride. The City has tuned all the traffic light sensors to be tripped by bicycles, and when one light was not working, an email got it fixed. There is a good sized community of commuters, and a ton of recreational cyclists, and the City has tuned in to that fact.
Its not perfect, but does a good job serving most riders out there. All the safety measures won't protect you from a careless driver though. Just as there are dozens of minor accidents daily between cars, there will be some with bicycles-and the bike loses every time unfortunately.