Author Topic: Free Map Set for your Club  (Read 13409 times)

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Free Map Set for your Club
« on: December 21, 2007, 11:44:25 am »
In 2007, Adventure Cycling received a grant from the National Park Service to update, reprint and distribute our Lewis & Clark Bicycle Route maps, originally created to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the epic journey of Meriwether Lewis & William Clark.  Our maps give turn-by-turn directions, include information about cultural interests and natural history, interpretive information and the location of bike shops, grocery stores, camp sites, motels and libraries and more  all services cyclists look for while on a bicycle tour.

Thanks to the National Park Service, Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Program, Adventure Cycling will be giving away 275 of the eight-map sets.

As an club, we invite you to order one of the free Lewis & Clark Bicycle Trail route sets. Simply click here, choose Member Price $66.00 and complete the shipping form with your name and address.  In the space marked "Coupon or Certificate Code" you must type in GT-0001 to receive your free map set.*

*Limited to stock hand of the 275 original map sets.  Only one per club.  No exchanges or refunds will be offered.