Author Topic: bike4peace  (Read 9894 times)

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Offline ron_bike4peace

« on: March 12, 2007, 12:33:16 am »
To anyone interested in a cross-country bike ride this summer, from Everett, WA. To Washington D.C. contact
We leave August 1 and arrive in D.C. on September 22, which is world car free day!
This 7 ½ week tour takes us through 11 states; Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, S. Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland and D.C.
There is no support vehicle on this tour, every rider carries his supplies, we share the load on certain things. We have a network of hosts that put us up for the night in most stops, or we camp. If you are interested, we have a copy of the route guide that can be emailed to you.
I have done this ride 2 years now and I'm looking forward to leading the way again this summer. It is an adventure of a life time!!!