In eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, $5.00 a day was more than adequate, but the services and food were equally low-grade--As in will I survive the next meal? A three-course meal, dessert and two Pilsner beers (sparkling dishwater) for 50 or 75 cents. What can you expect? Dysentery, diarrhea, possibly much much worse. In the US it is possible to squeak by on $25.00--$30.00 a day free-camping most of the time. In that case, food is your main cost. More expensive using restaurants, less so using food stores. Cheap motels are out there and not often, from what I have seen, to be found advertising on Google. I think some are dodging the tax man. Some might be a bit dumpy but clean, and, after all, you will not live there, so a night here and there in a low-rent is hardly a problem. I try to bike tour as economically as possible. It takes a long time to cross the continent by bicycle. What seem like relatively low costs for extras add-up over two months to be expensive. A $20.00 a month black-card membership with Planet Fitness gets you entry in any and all PFs in the country, with a guest if you have one to invite. That takes care of personal hygiene when you opt for camping most nights. The one thing that bugs me about bike stealth camping is being unwashed for days on end. I am a spoiled westerner used to personal cleanliness.