Author Topic: How do you like the new forum?  (Read 26831 times)

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Offline DU

Re: How do you like the new forum?
« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2009, 04:32:17 pm »
Two Thumbs up! Thank you

Offline jsieber

Re: How do you like the new forum?
« Reply #16 on: January 12, 2009, 04:47:40 pm »
Does this mean a real NNTP newsreader, John? I would love to read with Outlook Express, leaving all the HTTP eye candy behind. Do we have an NNTP server now? Or should I get an add-in for OE that converts RSS to NNTP?

I think that you will need the add-in for OE that converts the RSS to NNTP. I tested the RSS feed as a live bookmark in Firefox as well as in a program called BlogBridge that I have used in the past to read newsgroup messages and rss feeds and it worked well but I was not able to get OE to recognize the rss feed. If you have some success converting the feed to use in OE let me know.

Offline winonas

Re: How do you like the new forum?
« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2009, 06:02:07 pm »
Love it. Great work John!


  • Guest
Re: How do you like the new forum?
« Reply #18 on: January 14, 2009, 08:09:49 am »
... If you have some success converting the feed to use in OE let me know.
Will do, although not until next week on return from a short trip.


Offline driftlessregion

Re: How do you like the new forum?
« Reply #19 on: January 14, 2009, 09:52:46 pm »
Too complicated and too much stuff. Don't need all the bells and whistles. I liked the simpler forum better.

Offline raybo

Re: How do you like the new forum?
« Reply #20 on: January 20, 2009, 10:25:19 am »
By upgrading without regard to the links that people have made to the old discussion forums you have broken every single existing link on the internet.  This means that all the great advice that people have bookmarked or emailed or saved no longer work.  In addition, you have provided no way for someone to find those threads if they have the old links.

This means that unless someone is willing to go through all the posts page by page, all the previous information here is virtually unusable.  I had 17 posts bookmarked and now I can't find any of them.  The search function dumps out lots of word hits but I would have to spend hours trying to find the posts I had saved just to relink to them.

This stunning lack of oversight makes me wonder what else is going wrong at ACA.

Visit the on-line bike touring archive at

Offline jsieber

Re: How do you like the new forum?
« Reply #21 on: January 20, 2009, 02:38:02 pm »
By upgrading without regard to the links that people have made to the old discussion forums you have broken every single existing link on the internet.  This means that all the great advice that people have bookmarked or emailed or saved no longer work.  In addition, you have provided no way for someone to find those threads if they have the old links.

This means that unless someone is willing to go through all the posts page by page, all the previous information here is virtually unusable.  I had 17 posts bookmarked and now I can't find any of them.  The search function dumps out lots of word hits but I would have to spend hours trying to find the posts I had saved just to relink to them.

This stunning lack of oversight makes me wonder what else is going wrong at ACA.


Hi Ray,
I'm sorry that you feel this way about the new forum and apologize about your bookmarks. The old forum software was no longer an option for us. As mentioned earlier it often timed out on users or gave errors. The search feature did not work and we received many complaints about it from users. We made every attempt to move all of the user accounts and content over to the new forums so that it is still a valuable resource. We were unable to redirect all of the old forum threads to their link in the new forum. We upgraded the forum software to resolve the current issues with our previous forum software and in hopes that a better performing forum with more features would help it grow and allow it to become an even better resource for traveling cyclists. Again, I apologize for any inconvenience that has occurred.   

Offline Westinghouse

Re: How do you like the new forum?
« Reply #22 on: January 22, 2009, 02:45:31 pm »
I think it is pretty good.

Offline wildandcrazy

Re: How do you like the new forum?
« Reply #23 on: February 25, 2009, 12:23:01 pm »
Like it!  I never bothered posting on the old forum.  It would be nice if pictures could be sized automatically, so they would be accepted as attachments.

Offline mucknort

Re: How do you like the new forum?
« Reply #24 on: February 25, 2009, 02:27:41 pm »
Too complicated and too much stuff. Don't need all the bells and whistles. I liked the simpler forum better.
New member (not new to touring) and find this site to now be equal to what most internet discussion forums offer. Would be silly and archaic not to have upgraded. If old timers give this a chance, you'll find it works very well.

Raybo complained about "old links" disappearing. I've seen other websites do upgrades and been able to "archive" old info:( , scroll down to EZ Board Archives)

Offline jsieber

Re: How do you like the new forum?
« Reply #25 on: February 25, 2009, 02:33:35 pm »
Raybo complained about "old links" disappearing. I've seen other websites do upgrades and been able to "archive" old info:( , scroll down to EZ Board Archives)
The old posts are all still here, just the url's to reach them have changed which caused problems with people's bookmarks. Glad that you like the new forums. Participation in the forum is way up so it seems to be a good change.